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并根据测量结果成功地处理了三口盐井。With logging results, they succeeded in dealing with the three salt wells.

唐朝末年,剑南道和山南道盐井数大约为640所。In the late Tang Dynasty, there were almost 640 salt wells in Jiannandao and Shannandao.

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对全卤制碱盐井堵井的原因进行了分析,并提出了解决问题的方法。Causes of well clogging in full-bittern producing caustic soda are analyzed and solutions are put forward.

总结了盐井生产中常见的一些故障,并对其进行了简单原因分析。Some common failures in salt well operation are summarized and simple analyses on the reasons are also made.

某矿区某些盐井井下故障较为频繁,对生产造成了一定的影响。Downhole failures often take place in certain salt wells in some concession and have certain impact on production.

盐井伴生有低压天然气,实现加压采输后出现气井套管、井口,输气管线被严重腐蚀的现状。There is a low-pressure nature gas in the brine well, the casing, well end and pipe are very corrosive because brine is accrued.

盐井定向钻探施工产业,是一项科技含量较高的产业。Directional drilling technique of salt well is high-technique property, The connected wells has been used successfully in 417 Team.

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它的闻名得于清朝中叶盐井的发现,那时罗泉镇商贾云集,热闹异常。It's a well-known in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the salt well, then Luoquan gathered in the town of merchants, unusually lively.

或者,当控制阀进入吸盐环节,控制阀通过盐井吸入的盐水快于盐水进入这个区域的速度。Or, when the control valve goes into the brine draw cycle, it can draw the brine from the brine well faster than it can flow into this area.

五代十国盐业生产遭到了很大的破坏,许多盐池、盐井被迫废弃,食盐产地明显减少。Salt production of Ten Countries during the periods of the Five Dynasties suffered a great destroy and many salt ponds, wells were forced to abandon.

在1835年,自贡有了世界上第一口超过1000米深的盐井,其制盐业也达到了高峰。In 1835, it had the first salt well in the world which exceeded one thousand meters deep at which time the salt manufacturing of Zigong reached its peak.

一是盐井乃百姓赖以为生之所、国家财富之源,遂把有功于盐井者敬为神灵。First, salt well is the place that people's livelihood depend on, the source of national wealth, so take the people contributed in the salt well as the divinity.

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为了提高投资回收率,充分利用资源,矿区将这两对盐井配对采卤。In or-der to enhance the investment recovery rate and take full advantage of resources, the mine concession will match the two pairs of salt wells to extract brine.

在云南大理北部的诺邓山区,醒目的红色砂岩中间,散布着不少天然的盐井,这些盐成就了山里人特殊的美味。Nuodeng mountain area in northern Dali, the eye-catching red sandstones are the home to many nature salt wells. The salt is indispensable for making a delicacy in the mountain.

蒲江境内穿井鼓盐历史悠久,早在商周时期,古代先民就开始利用自然盐泉,至西汉时已开凿出数量众多的大口径盐井。Pujiang is with a long history of well digging and salt making. As early as the period of Shang and Zhou Dynasty, the ancient people drew brine making use of natural salt spring.

为了查明原因,矿区委托中国地质科学院地球物理化学勘查研究所于2004年4月对部分盐井进行了井下电视测量。In order to detect reasons, the concession entrusts Geophysiochemistry Prospecting Institute of Academy of Geological Science of China to conduct downhole TV logging in April, 2004.

广东龙归硝盐矿于2005年初在该类盐井实施的新工艺获得了成功,取得了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。At the beginning of 2005, Longgui Saltpeter Mine in Guangdong Province has succeeded in applying new technology in this kind of salt mines with numerous economic and social effects achieved.

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自贡地区的盐井打捞工艺技术历史悠久,是中国古代钻井技术体系修治井技术中的一个重要组成部分,是处理井下事故的一项关键技术。Zigong has a long history of salt well fishing. It is an important part of well repairing and well mending in ancient China. It also is a key technique dealing with accidents under the well.

阐述了爆破治理盐井窜卤的方法与作用原理,给出了相关实践。为可靠治理盐井窜卤提供了一种新技术、新工艺。This paper elaborates the method, principle and practice of harnessing brine seepage in salt wells, which has provided a new technology and process for harnessing brine seepage in salt wells.

沙隆达盐矿通过十多年盐井开采探索与总结,逐步形成了对盐井盐结晶解堵和防堵规律的认识。With over ten years of exploration and summarization in salt well exploitation, Shalongda Salt Mine has gradually accumulated rules of eliminating and preventing pipe plugging by salt crystal.