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店员弄错了。The barista makes a mistake.

这个店员给了他一个锤子。The clerk brought him a hammer.

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她和店员讨价还价,但那位店员不为所动,把我妈气个半死。Mum haggled with the sales woman.

于是请店员整理、装袋。So please clerk sorting, bagging.

它的店员穿的都像红卫兵。Its waitresses dress as Red Guards.

这个店员对顾客摆一张臭脸。The clerk gives customers a long face.

或者是无聊、冷淡的店员?Or bored, uninterested shop assistants?

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那店员用领带换皮带。The clerk exchanged the fie for a belt.

他当时在一家百货商店当店员。He then clerked it in a department store.

不过别指望可以找个店员就此耍耍嘴皮子。Just don't expect to have it with a clerk.

阿烈克告诉店员说。"I'll take this one, " Alex told the clerk.

一位佯装顾客而偷窃货品的人被店员逮到。A shoplifter was caught by the store clerks.

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店员又说没有,鸭子于是就离开了。The clerk again says no, and the duck leaves.

约翰每周六在杂货店做店员。John clerks in the grocery store on Saturdays.

老板动不动就辱骂店员。The boss is always bashing the shop assistants.

店员拿来了一副蓝色的隐形眼镜。The clerk brings a pair of blue contact lenses.

这个店员熟练地包好了包裹。The shop assistant made up the parcel expertly.

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那店员穿著白色长罩衣。The shop assistant was wearing a white overall.

我穿得很体面时髦,并且轻快的跟店员交谈。I dressed well and talked to staff in the store.

店员不紧不慢地亲自回去查价钱。Off toddled the clerk to check the price herself.