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爱人如己是一切律法的总纲。I. Love sums up the whole Law.

爱人如己是一切律法的总纲。K. Love sums up the whole Law.

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因为没有律法罪是死的。For without the law sin was dead.

什么,天使给了犹太人律法?What? Angels gave the Jewish law?

反律法主义有两个主要的形式。Antinomianism has two major forms.

路加福音对于律法有很不同的观点。Luke has a different view of the law.

真正律法,就是业力或者造物律法。True law is karmic or creational law.

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因为不服神的律法,也是不能服。If God is for us, who can be against us?

马太对于摩西律法的观点是什么?What was Matthew's view of the Mosaic Law?

律法再强也不比爱的力量大。The strength of love is stronger than the law.

我要常守你的律法,直到永永远远。I will always obey your law, for ever and ever.

造物律法,建立在因果之上。Creational law is founded upon cause and effect.

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在士师记中,他是士师和律法的创立者。In Judges, he is the judges and the law creator.

一个反律法主义教条的信徒。Of or relating to the doctrine of antinomianism.

摩西在以色列人面前所陈明的律法This is the law Moses set before the Israelites.

一开始,他就下定决心学习神的律法。Thus, early on, he determined to study God's law.

因为不服神的律法,也是不能服。It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so.

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一个可能的原因是以斯拉很瞭解律法。One possible reason was that he knew the law well.

但这些不明白律法的百姓,是被咒诅的。But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed.

一本用清教徒神学来看律法功用的好书。Why Read the Puritans Today?" by Rev. Don Kistler".