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什么部分先动?What moves first?

谁先动的手?Who struck first?

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主人先动筷子。The host begins eating first.

一些嘴馋的家伙先动了口,于是,大家纷纷动起手来。Some guy greedy mouth of the first move, so we have a fight to.

那个好人吃了一颗药丸先动行不静地立在柱子上曲到如今。The ill man had a pill and sat on the pillar in stillness until now.

小事诸如从沙发走到冰箱前,还是得先动起来。In order to even move from the couch to the refrigerator, you have to start.

查尔斯和鲍勃打了一架,查尔斯竭力说是鲍勃先动的手。Charles and Bob had a fight, and Charles tried to make out that Bob started it.

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同样地,在现在受到的威胁来看,先动权也会被认为是合法的。In a similar way, preemption can be justified by the nature of today's threats.

他曾在一场枪战中打伤了人,但并未因此受到指控,因为是对方先动的手。He once shot a man in a gun battle, but was never charged as the other guy started it.

在这个市场中,消费者占尽便宜,而身为“开山鼻祖”的高朋网确无长久的先动优势。This is a boon to consumers, but confers no lasting "first-mover" advantage on Groupon.

而且随着网络外部性强度的减小,这种先动优势将不断减弱。Further more, the first-mover advantage may weaken as the intension of network externality lessens.

取得“先动优势”是各大跨国公司纷纷抢先对外投资的直接原因。To gain an "initiative advantage" is the direct reason for the MNCs' rushing to make investment abroad.

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一些类似这样的明星如此不能自控,应该在学会在公众面前发言之前,先动动自己的脑子。Some of these celebs r just so fricken off the radar and should learn to think before they speak in public.

动态博弈的先动优势均衡点的变化是由风险企业的先动优势决定的。The changes of pre-advantageous balancing-point of dynamic gaming are decided by pre-advantage of venture business.

假如角色有眼睛,他的眼睛将先动,在头部之前几帧锁住动作的焦点。If the character has eyes, the eyes should move first, locking the focus of its action a few frames before the head.

如果政府试图获得先动优势,通过行政手段强行占有这些机会,就可能伤害自发的制度创新本身。If government seized these opportunities by force through administrative means to get forthgoer's advantage, the institutional innovation could be damaged.

先动优势也不等于持续竞争优势,持续竞争优势的获得有赖于持续的创新和相关的战略配合。Meanwhile, first-mover advantage also does not equal to sustained competitive advantage which depends on sustained innovation and corresponding strategy support.

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对基金市场的实证研究表明先动优势存在,但不如前人研究的结果显著。The results of the empirical research on fund market show that first-mover advantage is existent but the effect is not so prominent as preceding research concluded.

结果显示基金市场存在先动优势,即基金设立时间越早,平均净值增长率越高。The findings show that there really is a first-mover advantage in funds market-the earlier a fund is set up , the higher the average growth rate of net asset value is.

同时考虑企业投资的先动优势和后动优势,建立了新产品项目战略投资决策的期权博弈分析框架。An option games analysis framework of the strategic investment decision of new product project is provided, with first-mover's and second-mover's advantages considered.