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这种土壤宜于种植天麻。This kind of soil is good for growing watermelons.

天麻药酒具有显著的抗血凝作用。Gastrodia elate Blume medicinal wine has extensive applied prospect.

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目的考察处方中组分对天麻分散片制剂的影响。Aim To optimize the preparation of rhizoma gastrodiae dispersible tablet.

目的建立天麻基因组DNA快速提取方法。Objective To found a quick separation method of Gastrodia elata genome DNA.

随着天麻球茎的生长发育,逐渐积累淀粉。Following the development of the corm, starch was accumulated progressively.

后来,人们认为这是天上仙女所赐,故称“天麻”。Later, people think it is thanks to the fairy in the sky, it said, "Tianma."

结论天麻止眩颗粒具有一定的利尿及镇吐作用。ConclusionTMZX granules obviously possesses the diuretic and antemetic effects.

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目的建立天麻降压胶囊的鉴别方法。Objective To the distinguish method of Gastrodia Elata Blume Hypotention Capsule.

天麻。茯苓。松花粉等在国内外一直得到很好的评价。Tianma. Fuling . Song-Hua powder at home and abroad has always been a very good rating.

现代研究表明,天麻为兰科多年寄生植物的干燥块茎。Modern research has shown, for orchids gastrodia tuber parasitic plant dry for many years.

目的测定天麻中天麻素的含量以及多糖的含量。Objective To determine the contents of gastrodins and polysaccharides in Rhizoma gastrodia.

目的建立天麻降压胶囊的鉴别方法。Objective To establish the distinguish method of Gastrodia Elata Blume Hypotention Capsule.

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此外还盛产天麻、贝母等名贵中草药。Besides, it teems with famous Chinese medicine like Gastrodiae, Rz and Fritillaria thunbergii.

因此,可以推测乌鸡天麻营养液在常温下保质期达2年。Therefore, the shelf life of Silky chickenGastrodia elata blume nutrient solution was 2 years.

不同授粉方式虽在座果率上无明显差异,但异花授粉可明显提高天麻种子的质量。Though the ratios of fruit set are not same, the quality of seeds got from allogamy is better.

建立HPLC法测定人参天麻药酒中天麻素的含量。A method was established for determination of gastrodin Renshentianma Medicinal Liquor by HPLC.

并对各大麻的性状及天麻甙的含量进行了分析。The properties of each G. elata and the contents of gastrodin in each G. elata are also analysed.

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结论该方法准确、简便,可用于天麻壮骨丸的质量控制。Conclusion The method is accurate and simple, and can be used for the quality control of preparation.

结论优选出的最佳炮制工艺对天麻饮片的生产具有一定指导作用。ConclusionThe optimized procedure will provide the guidance for the production of Rhizoma Gastrodiae.

方法建立了川芎药材中阿魏酸及天麻药材中天麻素的HPLC含量测定方法,并对方法学进行了考察。The methods of HPLC were built up to determine the content of the two main ingredients in these two herbs.