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而这个死尸就是我。And that corpse I was.

未埋葬的死尸到处都是。Unburied dead lay everywhere.

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用张单子把死尸盖上。Draw a sheet over the dead body.

她一看到死尸就战栗起来。She shuddered at the sight of the dead body.

然而难忘的时刻,伴着死尸休憩。Rests with those dead, but unforgotten hours.

不,不要把这死尸和我们的人混在一起。No, let us not mix their corpses with our own.

你就是英国神秘谋杀案里的死尸。You're the corpse in an English murder mystery.

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用死尸的下半部分,他创造了土地,也就是地球。With the other half he creates the land, the Earth.

一个与我心灵相契的人是不会把动物的死尸当食物吃的。A man of my spiritual intensity does not eat corpses.

孔子睡觉不像死尸那样僵直,家居不像做客那样端坐。He would not sleep like a corpse, nor stt like a guest.

有一次他看到地上一张纸几乎大叫起来,猛一看这张纸活像一具死尸。Once he nearly screamed at a piece of paper on the ground.

截止周一,死尸仍不断从瓦砾堆里被扒出。Bodies were still being pulled from the rubble late Monday.

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当她看到一具死尸躺在台阶上时,她昏了过去。She conked out when she saw a dead body lying on the steps.

村民们前去陈殓战场上的死尸。The villagers went to lay out the bodies in the battlefield.

好,你会怎么处理凶残怪物的死尸?Well, what do you do with the carcass of a ferocious monster?

一块20英亩大的土地的树林中又发现两位本地少年死尸。"Two more Local Teenagers Found dead in woods on 20 acre plot".

目前该设备在模型、死尸和动物身上进行临床前测试。It's now in pre-clinical testing on models, cadavers, and animals.

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阿里曼可以吸取死尸的灵魂来恢复自身的力量。Ahriman is able to absorb souls of corpses to recover his strength.

当他们抬起死尸时,有一只戒指滚落在地板上了。As they raised him, a ring tinkled down and rolled across the floor.

摸了人死尸的,就必七天不洁净。He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days.