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去留听便。You may go or stay as you please.

人群一听便大喊大叫,表示赞成。At this the crowd roared approval.

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高义山一听便拿出枪把他干掉了。Gao Yishan one pulled out a gun to kill him.

陈研一听便高兴的抱住了子君。Chen research as one pleases a happy grabbed zijun.

他对我的道歉连听也不听便下逐客令。He wouldn't listen to my apology and showed me the door.

贺俊峰一听便激动的质问他,庄文鸿来了?He Junfeng one exciting question him, ZhuangWenHong here?

她骂他是个骗子,他一听便立即冲出房间。She called him a liar, and at that he stormed out of the room.

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蓝奶奶一听便着急的问是怎么回事?。Blue grandma a as one pleases worry of ask how be to return a responsibility?

他们各行各业有各自的呼叫招呼声调,使人一听便知道是什么行业的人来了。Every sort of trades would have their own melodic tune in hawking, people could identify them without stepping out to see.

钟离一听便急了,并说要求去见他们的领导,许正帆阻止,因为他不想钟离的身份暴露。Clock from one nasty, asked to see them and said, Xu Zhengfan stop, because he doesnt want to clock from the identity of the exposure.