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但是你找不到任何正品的。But you can't find any originals.

这种伏特加酒是正品。The vodka was the genuine article.

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正品的罗密欧和朱丽叶花冠烟。Authentic Romeo and Julieta Coronas.

她穿的是正品名牌服饰。She is wearing an authentic designer dress.

纽欣康左旋肉碱在哪能买到正品?Niuxin Kang L-carnitine Where can I buy genuine?

如何验证在SVS所购物品为正品?How to verify your purchase in the SVS is genuine?

本店所售笔记本电脑均为全新正品行货。All laptops in our shop are brand new and authentic.

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推销员把一部有毛病的机器冒充正品卖给了那位女士。The salesman fobbed the lady off with a faulty machine.

鞋子比想象中的要好,果然是正品,卖家态度超好!劲赞!!!!!The shoes are excellent, and the seller is kind-hearted!

如果买正品,我会有浪费的罪恶感。If I bought the real thing, I would feel guilty of wasting.

购买正品行货,保护听力不受伤害!Purchase genuine licensed to protect the hearing from harm!

如果家里能有一件正品的中国瓷器,这是时尚。It was a fashion to have a piece of authentic china at home.

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我们的宗旨诚信,正品,无假货,创建百年老店。Our aimHonesty, genuine, no fakes, created hundred years old.

目的探讨竹节防风能否作正品防风入药。Objective To explore whether PT can be used as good medicine as SD.

竹燕窝与正品燕窝食用的烹调方法基本相同,可以做扒菜、甜品、炖汤等。As for the cooking method, it is the same as any other bird's nest food.

哈哈,我是在官方网买的、淘宝也有卖的,吉林长春卖的是正品。Haha, I bought the official website, Taobao has sold, Changchun sell is genuine.

帮我宝宝买了套,目前他们在做活动正品才398元!Help me baby, now they have bought in 398 yuan to do activities of quality! ! ! ! !

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导带式数码喷印机具有喷印正品率高、织物品种适用性广的优点。The digital jet printer with belt type features high quality and wide applicability.

卓越所销售的笔记本产品均为正品行货,开正规发票。By the excellent sales of notebook products are authentic licensed, a formal invoice.

ITS序列是正品西红花鉴定的有效的分子标记。The ITS sequence is an available molecular marker for identification of the C. sativus.