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给她一把手电筒让她看清道路。Hand her a flashlight so she can see the way.

他掷掉剑,捡起一把手枪。He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver.

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我们需要的只是华盛顿的共和党人能伸一把手。We just need Republicans in Washington to come around.

他跳下摩托车,用一把手枪对准了我的眉心。He jumped off the motorcycle and aimed a pistol between my eyes.

他边说边拿起一把手术刀,割开了船长的静脉。They left Succoth and camped at Etham, on the edge of the desert.

他把右手揣在夹克的口袋里,就像他手里握着一把手枪似的。He stuck his right hand in his jacket's pocket,as if he held a pistol.

里里外外一把手,穷人的孩子早当家。In in out out one handle, the poor family's child can get marry earlier.

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弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling.

他大小算是个政府官员,是当今公务员里最小的“一把手”。His size is a government official, is the least in the "top civil servants".

曾音说,你是镇里的一把手,和一般干部是不相同的。Ceng Yin said, you are the town leaders, and the general cadre is not the same.

她一把将背包从他的手中夺下。突然,博士吃惊地发现她手持一把手枪对着他。She snatched IT away from him, and, to his amazement, he saw a gun in her hand.

在走访一生产单位时,人资一把手注意到一家伙歪着身子靠在墙上。On a tour of the facilities, the HR supremo noticed a guy leaning against a wall.

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因为什么目的不记得不清了,我走到大厅,来到卧室门前,这时,老爸从背后拔出一把手枪,朝母亲的方向开了一枪。Just as I did, Daddy pulled a gun from behind his back and fired in Mothers direction.

警察在其昆西的家中发现了一把手枪和强力胶带。Police found a gun and duct tape at the second-year medical student's Quincy, Mass., home.

一把手绝对真理、二把手相对真理、三把手服从真理、其他把手没有真理。A second absolute truth, relative truth, truth, and other three handles obey hand no truth.

马啸一把手枪顶住娜乌的头,大喊犹大并命其放下弩盒。MaXiao a pistol against Elena uriah head, Shouting on judah and order the down crossbow box.

“就在他到达的几分钟后,他拿出一把手枪,开始向人群里射击”。"After just a few minutes, he took a handgun and started to shoot people," Roberg-Larsen said.

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马克•欧文斯在片中最早出现,身着迷彩服,腰里挎着一把手枪。Mark Owens is seen early in the documentary wearing camouflage, and with a pistol at his waist.

总之,那个荷兰人大叫一声,一蹦二尺来高,唰地抽出一把手枪。Anyhow, the dutchman gave a shout, he jumped about two feet into the air and whipped out a revolver.

他身着军装,手持一挺机枪,一支M16自动步枪和一把手枪。He was dressed in military uniform and was holding a machine gun, an M16 assault rifle, and a pistol.