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我还是依然故我。I am still my old self.

我,是我,还是我。依然故我!I just want to be myself!

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津巴布韦的罗伯特。马格布和北朝鲜的金正日依然故我。Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Kim Jong-il of North Korea are as well.

隔天早上他依然故我,背著一只枪上山去打猎了。The next morning he was unchanged, carrying a gun to hunt the mountains.

安静莹知文学庭依然故我,一点没有长进,于是好言劝导。Quiet Ying court literature know little progress, I am still my old self.

我读完整卷新约,却依然故我,丝毫未变。I read the entire New Testament, but I was my old self, and hadn't changed.

但是M25公路依然故我,即使没有人喜欢它,它也没有教会我们许多。But the M25 is still here and, even if nobody loves it, it hasn't taught us much.

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主耶稣,听过祢的好消息后,我们往往很快便依然故我。Lord Jesus, too often after hearing the good news we go right back to business as usual.

IBR依然故我,并在几周或数月后准备寻求一种天作之合。The IBR emerges intact, after a few weeks or a few months, ready to pursue a heavenly relationship.

神药会改变他们,而他们就可以依然故我,还像数年数十年前那样。The pill can just "fix them" and so they can go on just as they have for the last few years or decades.

人类拥有七十年的寿命,却为何只是依然故我,无可救药地毒害自己的生命?Why has he acquired a seventy years' lifespan only to poison it incurably by the mere being of himself?

你已说服那些规模最大的公司使用本国货币了,但是不守规矩的公司依然故我。You've been able to convince the largest companies to use the national currency, but rogue stragglers remain.

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确实,人们对于完美母亲这一不可实现目标的执念已经演变成了一场灾难,与此同时,我们并不接受老一辈们指出的捷径,依然故我。It’s true that the impossible idea of a perfect mother has become a tyranny, and that we refuse shortcuts our grandmothers yearned for.

考虑到所有仅仅因为结婚就能获得财政和文化特权,单身的人依然故我就变得越来越受关注。Considering all of the financial and cultural advantages people get just because they are married, it becomes even more striking that single people are doing as well as they are.