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可怕的叫声响彻云霄。A terrible cry rent the air.

孤寂却成了响彻云霄的唯一音符。Solitude has become a resounding only notes.

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嘹亮的国歌响彻云霄。The National Anthem of make the welkin ring.

突然,一声巨大的爆裂声响彻云霄。Suddenly a great cracking sound split the air.

锣鼓声响彻云霄。The beating of gongs and drums resounded to the skies.

在新英格兰的土壤中还从未进发出这样响彻云霄的欢呼!Never, from the soil of New England, had gone up such a shout!

每天清晨,钟楼的钟声响彻云霄,就好像天空的圆舞曲。Every morning, the sound from the tower resounds through the sky, like a waltz.

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随着六十声国庆礼炮响彻云霄,中国阅兵仪式开始。Gun salute as the resounding sound of the National Day, China's military parade ceremony began.

让自由之声在密西西比州的每一座山上回响。从每一个山脚,让自由之声响彻云霄!Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

今晚,整家人一齐吃饭,我们兄弟妹都相聚在一起,分享美味佳肴,享受天伦之楽,欢楽的笑声响彻云霄!This evening, the whole family eat together our brothers and sister are to meet together to share the delicious dishes to enjoy laughter!

听,欢歌笑语响彻云霄,优美的旋律,欢快的舞步,无法掩饰内心的激动,从四面八方涌向首都,让您笑逐颜开!Listen, laugh and song rend the skies. Graceful rhythm, bright steps, and emotion unable to be concealed in all directions has you beam with smiles.

日出时,烟花、炮竹响彻云霄,与初升的太阳交融在一起,颇为壮观。When the sun rises, fireworks and firecrackers playing spread the sound through the graves of all lands, merge with the rising sun to form a spectacular scene.

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琼花接任了党代表职务,广大群众纷纷参加红军,战斗的歌声响彻云霄。Qionghua takes up the post of the Party Representative in honor. The whole community joins the Red Army and the sound of their combat songs are heard everywhere.