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飞龙在天。A flying dragon.

黑影西渐,飞龙肆虐。Westering, the shadow, ravaging, the dragons.

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你可以告诉我飞龙如何聚堆吗?Could you tell us about how Muta stacking will work?

飞龙可以吐出弹射虫来攻击附近的目标。Wurms which seek out nearby targets and punish them.

留意飞龙漫游的地图。Keep an eye out for Mutalisks roaming the map as well.

在飞龙战机的驾驶舱,夸里奇看着箭矢打在防弹玻璃上哐当作响的场景,哈哈大笑。IN THE DRAGON’S COCKPIT, Quaritch laughs as arrows CLINK

法师召唤一只双足飞龙,并使其为自己服务。The Caster summons a Wyvern and binds it to his service.

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在飞龙战机的副翼上40毫米集束火箭发射器开火了On the Dragon’s stub-wings the 40mm ROCKET LAUNCHERS open up

导弹从飞龙战机和其他直升机上汹涌而出MISSILES stream down from the DRAGON and the other gunships and

请阅“来自飞龙和河马王国”以读取更多信息。See " From the Dragon and Hippo Kingdoms " for more information.

在莲花峰,还能看到一些名闻遐迩的松树,如“飞龙松”和“双龙松”。Famous pine tree such as the“Flying Dragon” and the“Twin Dragons”are found there.

你可以看到出蟑螂的,但我看到更多人攀科技出飞龙。You would see Roaches , but I would see more people tech up to Mutalisks more so.

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双足飞龙常独自来寻找兽人风骑士的存在。Wyverns are encountered alone as often as they are found in an orc rider's presence.

在莲花峰还能看到一些闻名遐迩的松树,如“飞龙松”和“双龙松”。Famous pine trees such as the "Flying Dragon" and the "Twin Drag* ons" are found there.

飞龙可以吐出弹射虫来攻击附近的目标。The Mutalisk can spew forth Glaive Wurms which seek out nearby targets and punish them.

飞龙墓碑是亡灵发展的巅峰,是奋斗的终极目标。Dragon Tombstone is the crown of Necropolis development, the ultimate goal to strive for.

飞龙在天两兄弟等老兵与众新兵因为洗澡先后顺序发生冲突。Dragon in veterans and the recruits such as day two brothers because bath order conflict.

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城门用红铜铸成,雕着海龙和飞龙。It was wrought out of red bronze, and carved with sea-dragons and dragons that have wings.

魔法农场是一款感人的,具有娱乐特色的游戏,讲述的是一个年轻的卖花女和她可爱的小飞龙帮手的故事。In Magic Farm you take on the role of a savvy young entrepreneur with a magical green thumb.

来一怒之下投到华三元门下,希望学成之后为飞龙报仇。Come Hua Sanyuan door is sent under one anger, after the hope learns, to fly dragon revenges.