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军队是赢家,群氓是输家。Armies win and mobs lose.

但对输家意味着什么呢?But what about the losers?

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如果战争爆发,我们都是输家。If war comes we both lose.

这是双赢的结局,没有输家。It's a win-win, no lose situation!

输家总是哀诉他们已经尽力了。Losers always whine about their best.

双方不管是谁,只要他第一个做出错误反应,将不可避免地成为输家。Whoever makes the first mistake will inevitably lose.

谁将会是新顶级域名的大赢家和大输家?Who Will Be The Big Winners and Losers of the New TLDs?

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在创造赢家和输家时两股力量在起作用。Two forces at work here are creating winners and losers.

今年最大的输家莫过于“贱金属”了。This year’s losers are likely to be socalled base metals.

赢家因此可以额外消费,输家却相应地要减少开支,二者不能相抵。The winners’ extra spending may not offset the losers’ retrenchment.

只不过,我是分为“输家寡人”,“过气明星”,“愚不可及”和“无耻浑蛋”四类。Only I divided mine into Losers, Flameouts, Morons and Slimy Bastards.

有土地或者借债给别人的人就是输家。The fellows having the land or extending loan to others are the loser.

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我们不憎恨任何人-我们的能量太珍贵了,不能糜费给输家。We resent no one – our energy is too valuable to us to waste on losers.

在这样的经济环境下,储户是输家,债务人是赢家。In this economic environment, savers are losers and debtors are winners.

人和汽车对抗!这是一场人类永远是输家的无休止的战斗。Man versus the motor-car ! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing.

主要输家则是民建联和工联会,评分分别下跌6.7和5.1分。The major losers are DAB and FTU, they lost 6.7 and 5.1 marks respectively.

赢得对手的尊重,就是得手后适当的反点彩头给输家。To win the respect of rival, is after appropriate point heat to the losers.

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而在这个游戏中,可以没有输家,结果全赖于你的沟通能力。And in the game, it could be no loser depends on your communication ability.

战士们齐步走到山脚下。谁是最大的输家?The soldiers kept in stet in step until they reached the foot of the mountain.

如果那种情况将会发生,科学和发展中国家都将是输家。If that were to happen, both science and developing countries would be the losers.