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气流有助于散热。Airflow helps to dissipate heat.

气流通过桌面的ATX案件。Airflow through a desktop ATX case.

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所谓的低速,就是不产生气流。Low speed mean, no draught is caused.

气流造成的由冰粒构成的降水。Of or relating to rising wind currents.

这气流缩小别人的场。This blast deflates the field of another.

降雨冷却了空气,这就向下产生了气流。Falling rain cools the air as it descends.

下沉气流则是干而冷。The submersion air current does, but cold.

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在楼群中随着气流上升的名字。Names rising in the updraft amid buildings.

为什么气垫船能靠后方的气流移动?Why can a hydrofoil move on a layer of air?

鸟类利用上升热气流升入空中。Birds use thermals to lift them through the air.

上升暖气流是由于受热而上升的气流。Thermals are rising air currents caused by heat.

一阵弱如鼻息的气流拂着野草。A breath, almost a respiration, moved the shrubbery.

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人打喷嚏,嘴里的气流速度超过每小时100英里!A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m. p. h!

你感觉到气流从鼻孔出入吗?Do you feel the airflow going through your nostrils?

而我们的情形是在火焰内部产生气流。In our case, we generate this flow within the flame.

炸弹爆炸的强劲气流把两个行人刮到街的另一边去了。The bomb blast blew two passers -by across the street.

把管子做成钟状,可使气流更畅通。Belling out the tubes will permit a freer passage of air.

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用温缓的热气流将光片上测试液蒸发。Evaporate the test fluid with a gentle stream of dry air.

作为飞行员和航空分析员的米勒·奥布莱恩说,“提起机头将会加剧气流引起的失速。”Pulling the nose up will exacerbate an aerodynamic stall.

一股偏冷的西北气流将覆盖我省。A rather cold north west airstream will cover our province.