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叹惜自然的强大。Lamenting the nature are strong.

我们都叹惜她缺乏好态度。We all deplored her lack of good manners.

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她常常叹惜丈夫的死。She often cries about the death of her husband.

过去我曾叹惜过自己没书读。I had been pitying myself for not having books to read.

他只顾自个儿在冰上叹惜,竟不知所措起来。He is in from height merely ice bewail, be at a loss unexpectedly rise.

“英国国家快运公司”这一毁约的行为在令人叹惜之余,也令人大为失望。The decision of National Express to break their contract is regrettable and disappointing.

虽然他满怀着希望而去,怀着叹惜而返,但这次旅途真的就是不值一提的回忆吗?So, he went on trip full of hope and came back with disappointment. However, is this experience really terrible?

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摇头叹惜的同时,我们切切不可再将输球的责任归咎于“零前锋”。Deploring shaking his head at the same time, we can not be absolutely sure to lose and then blame it on a "zero forward."

第二天再去看,它早已谢了。那时的我一边叹惜,一边拾起落在地上的花瓣。Again the next day to see that it already thanks. At the time, I lament the one hand, picked up the side of the petals fall on the ground.

虽然约瑟必定曾为他失去的过去哀伤,也为他本该拥有的生活而叹惜,但上帝带领他进入他从未想过的呼召。Although Joseph must have grieved the loss of his past and what his life could have been, the Lord led him to a calling he had never imagined.

班达先生叹惜说,尽管东部省是这个地区领先的烟草生产省,但它仍然没有烟叶加工厂,这实在是“让人感到丢脸”。Mr Banda lamented that it was "disgraceful" that despite the province being one of the leading producers of tobacco in the region, it still had no processing plant.

麦饭浸水沉入河底,一担麦饭全部倒掉,也未见倒满,这人只知叹惜,不知是什么原因。Wheat meal is soggy the heavy bottom that enter a river, meal of a wheat falls entirely, also did not see full, this person knows bewail only, knowing is what reason.

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然而消费活动减少可能只是一时现象,绿色能源主要投资的下降却令专家们哀惋叹惜,因环境将长远受益于这些投资活动。But reduced consumption may be temporary, said experts who bemoaned a decline in major investments in green energy that could benefit the environment in the longer-term.

以独特的方法描绘了一个丑陋、荒诞、畸形的如梦魇般的世界,不仅写出了人性丑陋的本质,而且还发出了人类生存悲剧的叹惜。By illustrating an ugly, absurd, monstrous and nightmare-like world with unique skills, she not only described the hideousness of humanity, but also bewailed at the destiny of human.