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因此你看,气真是在我家风生水起!So the chi is definately flowing well in our home!

那种家风是由父亲传给儿子的。That family trait is handed on from father to son.

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那种家风是父子相传的。That family trait is handed on from father to son.

只因为我决定要当演员,他们就说我有辱家风。They say I'm the black sheep of the family because I decided to be an actor.

一个具有良好家风的家庭,邻里、社会都会尊敬。Families with good traditions will gain respect of the neighbors and the public.

泰国航空皇家风蘭假期乘客可以专享价购买机场快线來回車票。ROH passengers can enjoy the discount offer of purchasing a round trip AEL ticket.

很高兴我们家有一个这么好的孝敬老人的家风。Our family is very pleased to have a such a good family tradition and honor the elderly.

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有几家风投很快理解了我们追寻的机会,并看好我们的团队和理念。A couple quickly grasped the opportunity we were pursuing and liked our team and concept.

每家风投公司有不同的信息来源,有不同的价值,不一样的风险胃口。Each VC came on with different information, at a different price and with a different risk appetite.

颜氏家族的家风可以概括为好学、尚德、孝悌、淡泊四个方面,其学风可以概括为经世致用、积累相传。Yan's style of study can be described as being practical and pragmatic and accumulation of generations.

第五章探讨鸿都门学与曹氏家风对文学的影响。The fifth chapter discourses upon the influence hi literature by Hong-Du Men Xue and Cao' family tradition.

这些构成了他们儒道两相交织的家学家风。These constitute their Family Style and Family learning which is the the interwoven of Confucianism and Taoism.

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提出唐家风台隧道防排水施工的要求,及控制检查的方法。At the same time, authors present requirements of waterproof and drainage construction and methods of quality control.

可以说,陈家数百年的兴旺得益于这个家族世代对教育的重视,以及强调礼制、恪守本分的家风。The long-standing prosperity of the Chen family should be attributed to its emphasis on education, accepted norms and family tradition.

六朝时期的世家大族各有其家风与家学,并由此造就了各自独特的家族文化。Aristocratic families has particular family culture in the Six Dynasties because of their different family customs and family literature.

开展官风、民风、家风建设,多方整合,拓展结合点。Develops the official wind, the common social practice, the family tradition construction, in every way conformity, development combining site.

以家风、家学为主要内容的世族文化,是当时各大家族延续其家世、维持其门第、提高其门望的关键性因素。Clan culture, which mainly includes family characteristics and family education, is a key factor that made every big family keep their dominance.

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在中国高旻寺打禅七的家风,是谁也不能讲话,一分一秒也不能缺席懒惰。During the Chan sessions at Gao Min Monastery in China, it was the rule that no one could talk, and no one could be lazy or absent for even one minute or second.

王逢家族以孝治家的家风和良好的师学渊源对他的一生产生了重要影响。The great habit which lasted for a long time in Wang Feng's family, the teachers and a good Confucian traditions have an important impact on his career and literature.

侨港镇的归侨由于世代侨居异国他乡,使得自身拥有的浓厚的“置家风情”文化习俗得以完整保留和延续。The "life style of Dan people" is well protected and sustained by the returned overseas Chinese who used to be as immigrations living foreign country generation by generation.