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注意敌人的铂条干扰。Be wary of enemy chaffs.

我的工作是抛撒干扰片。My job was to drop chaff.

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没什么去干扰你。Nothing to broadside you.

干扰你此时的铃鼓。To your tambourine in time.

情人不愿受干扰。Lovers want to be left alone.

一个安静,免收干扰的地方A quiet, distraction-free area

甚高频干扰台?。VHFJ? Very High Frequency Jammer?

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在您的自行车修理一个干扰因素。Repairing a derailer on your bike.

用该法测定不受尿色的干扰。The colour of urine do not interfere.

不受周围其他分子的干扰。They occupy the same volume in space.

我的电视卡有紫色条纹状干扰。What is this "purple stripes" issue ?

我们不能谋求对他们进行干扰。And we would not seek to disturb that.

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语音干扰分析装置?。VIAS? Voice Interference Analysis Set?

对于某一部分人而言是恼人的干扰。For some, it is an annoying distraction.

他没受那些恶言恶语的干扰。He wasn't disturbed by the wicked words.

科技是一个更大的干扰。Technology is an even greater intrusion.

飞机遇险呼救还是干扰信号?。Air distress signal or interfering signal?

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电视节目中的粗话已被用哔哔声干扰。The coarse language on TV was bleeped out.

干扰发射台,电路千斤顶,所有你需要的。Jammers , circuit jacks , whatever you need.

利用磁铁干扰鳄鱼的方向感Magnets Throw Off a Croc's Sense of Direction