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也许他们是想行刺我。Perhaps they intend to assassinate me.

那个行刺者被认为是个极端主义分子。The assassin was adjudged an extremist.

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刺客答应当夜就去行刺。Night agreed to go assassinate assassin.

耽搁是机遇的行刺者。Procrastination is opportunity's assassin.

一个代罪羔羊被指责行刺甘乃迪总统。A patsy was blamed for killing President Kennedy.

子我要杀了你!像一支行刺的兵器,我会把你藏起。Bitch I'ma kill you! Like a murder weapon, I'ma conceal you.

吴月娘见行刺不成,便投河自尽了。Wu Bright Moon, see the assassination fail, then plunge a suicide.

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总统被行刺了,举国上下叮当猫在家沉醉在悲哀之中。Bfter the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow.

影片的下集中,凯撒被行刺,她又将目标转向大将军马克?In the movie last part , Caesar assassinates , she changes the goal imperator Mark ?

珍珠告诉可汗,巴旦目等人如此明目张胆地行刺,表示这些人是不达目的誓不罢休的,所以他们肯定还有后手。While the leaf support suddenly pointing to Shen Zhenzhu to Khan said loudly, she is not by people.

穆圣首先宽恕她对他的行刺,她的行刺失败了,他幸免了。The Prophet first pardoned her for making an attempt on his life. Her attempt failed and he survived.

交防后,“肯尼迪号”即开往苏伊士运河并在行刺事件发生后立刻通过运河。The kennedy then headed for the suez canal passing through immediately after the assassination attempt.

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乔志命令各杀手分布在女皇到访之各处进行行刺。Qiao Zhi commands each killer distributings to undertake assassinate everywhere to what visit in empress.

有的日本军官密谋行刺战争领导人东条英机等军国主义分子Some Japanese officers plotted to kill war leader Hideki Tojo and other militarists –but, like Hitler’s foes, failed.

有的日本军官密谋行刺战争领导人东条英机等军国主义分子Some Japanese officers plotted to kill war leader Hideki Tojo and other militarists – but, like Hitler’s foes, failed.

另一方面,北爱尔兰暴力份子乔志带同女助手黑玫瑰来港,策划行刺女皇之阴谋。George, a reactionary from North Ireland, comes to Hong Kong with his girlfriend Black Rose, planning to assassinate the Queen.

如有捏造兄弟歪伦。谋害香主。行刺杀人者五雷诛灭。If there are fabricated brother slanting Aaron. Sweet Lord. To assassinate the murderer against five ray invited the destroyer.

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贴子还称,行刺中已有三个死者。并称至少有17个女性被袭击。The postings also claimed that the stabbings had resulted in three deaths. The postings said at least 17 women had been attacked.

这个诺格人随即被帝国皇家卫队的蒂耶斯少校杀害,但是,他行刺仇敌的事迹让他成了一位传奇式的人物。The Noghri was in turn killed by Major Tierce of the Imperial Royal Guard, though the Noghri's killing of a hated enemy made him a legend.

她跟随71岁的费特执行行刺思拉肯的任务,并且向萨尔-索洛的脑袋开了头三枪。She accompanied the 71-year-old Fett when he took on the job of assassinating Thrackan, and fired the first three shots into Sal-Solo's head.