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该枪能适应大平炉生产的需要。This gun can meet the production of large martin furnace.

后来又说2平炉电炉生产铸钢件。Later added 2 open hearth furnaces for producing steel castings.

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生产的不烧砖在平炉钢包渣线上使用,取得了较好效果。The brick gained favorable application result in the ladle slag line.

介绍了特钢平炉煤焦油炼钢工艺。The process of coal tar steelmaking in special steel open hearth is described in this paper.

平炉炼钢是一个很慢的过程,比转炉炼钢慢得多。Steel making in the open-hearth furnace is a very slow process, much slower than the Bessemer one.

大部分建管道用管子的钢材由平炉、电炉和碱性顶吹转炉生产。Most of the steel for line pipe is made by open-hearth, electric furnace, and basic-oxygen processes.

本产品用于平炉炉底铺料,转炉炉衬修补,并可作为钢口周围填料使用。Used for steel open arr the furnace floor filling material, turning furnace mend filling material of going out steel.

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作为平炉炼钢最后阶段的记载,为炼钢技术研究提供了参考数据。As a record of the last stage of open hearth existance, the article gives reference data for steelmaking process study.

平炉的燃料燃烧室是用水冷却的,控制空气和废气的阀也是水冷的。The fuel burner of an open hearth furnace is water cool, as is the valve that regulate the flow of air and waste gases.

多年来,它是不允许用碱性平炉冶炼这一类高级优质合金钢的主要原因。For many years, it is the primary factor that does not allow to make high-grade quality alloy steel by Basic OpenHearth.

这种交替往复操作浪费的热很少。现在有些平炉喷人重油而不用煤气,因而只送人空气。This to-and-fro operation wastes very little heat. Some furnaces now blow air only, fuel oil being spayed instead of gas.

结果表明,煤焦油不仅能满足冶炼工艺要求,甚至完全可以替代重油,是平炉炼钢又一种新型能源。The results show that coal tar is not only satisfied with smeltingdemands, but also completely take place of heavy oil steelmaking.

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本工作采用国产定氧测头分别在转炉、平炉和电炉上进行了实践。Practices of direct oxygen determination technique in BOF, open hearth and EAF using home-made oxygen probe were described in this paper.

在LD转炉炼钢取代了平炉炼钢的主导地位后,而今氧气转炉炼钢又面临电炉炼钢的竞争与挑战。After taken the leading place of open-health furnace, oxygen LD converter is being faced with the challenge and competition of electric arc furnace.

本文介绍了鞍钢开发的顶吹氧平炉燃用软沥青的试验研究。The present paper introduces the experimental study of burning soft pitch fuel in top-blown oxygen open-hearth furnace developed by Anshan I & S Co.

本文结合生产,对鞍钢大型碱性平炉冶炼重轨钢的脱氧问题进行了试验。Experiments were carried out with a view to ascertaining the most suitabledeoxidation process for basic open-hearth smelting of rail-steel in Anshan works.

它是制造生产不定型耐火材料的理想原料,制品用于炼钢平炉,电炉炉底和捣打炉衬。It is an ideal material for unshaped refractory material, the final products are used in open hearth furnace, eletric furnace bottom and furnace's lining tamping.

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电梯装饰高雅的餐厅一个舒适的休息室与一平炉和一个具吸引力的酒吧遮蔽阳光梯田面临的南亚和充裕的停车场。A lift a tastefully decorated restaurant a comfortable lounge with an open hearth and an attractive bar sheltered sunny terraces facing south and ample car parking.

利用钢铁厂平炉尘制备中温变换催化剂,制备成本低,工艺简单,活性达到部颁标准,具有明显的经济效益。With the action of some bivalent cation, high temperature shift catalyst has been prepared by mixture precipitation method using open-hearth dust as a raw material.

本文介绍包钢对大型固定式双槽出钢平炉进行了挡渣技术的试验、研究及取得的显著效果。Trials are conducted on the slag retaining technique in the large open hearth with dual tapping spouts at Baotou Iron &Steel Company and marked results have been achieved in the tests.