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她惯于用尖酸刻薄语言挖苦人。She was given to using bitter sarcasm.

在任何情况下,这都是一位尖酸刻薄。In any case, this is all a bit nit-picky.

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而这些天,人们对他的评论更为尖酸。These days, the comments are more acerbic.

而这些天,人们对他的评论更为尖酸。Norcom. These days, the comments are more acerbic.

西蒙是“美国偶像”中最尖酸刻薄的评委。Simon is the most acerbic judge on "American Idol".

是的,我的话语是有点尖酸刻薄,但是你明白我的意思。Yes I’m being sarcastic, but you understand my point.

通常,人们的尖酸刻薄来自于虚荣心而非恶意。Usually we are more satirical from vanity than malice.

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千万不用害怕接受尖酸刻薄言词的考验。Never be afraid to test yourself by your critic's words.

他又嗅到松树和附近树汁尖酸的气味。He could smell the pine, the tartness of nearby tree sap.

如果你对老板的一切挑毛病,你将看上去很尖酸、充满敌意。If you fault your boss for everything, you'll look bitter.

由于她的尖酸刻薄,没人愿意与她交朋友。No one wants to make a friend with her , due to her pungency.

没错,他有种尖酸刻薄的幽默感,有时会得罪人。Yes, he has an acerbic sense of humor that sometimes offends people.

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现在,当一份协议摆到了桌面上,对话却在尖酸刻薄中停止。Now, with an agreementput on the table, talks have broken down in acrimony.

于是她开口回答了,用她平常那种尖酸刻薄的声调随口说道。She replied, speaking for the first time, in her usual tart and offhand way.

潘每逢跟一些大人物相处以后,便变得尖酸刻薄,满不在乎地挖苦他们。Pen was sarcastic and dandified when he had been in the company of great folks.

相比之下,公众对麦道夫夫人的反应已近白热化并且尖酸刻薄。By contrast, the public reaction to Mrs. Madoff has been white hot and vitriolic.

接下来的便是汹涌而来的评论,普遍的都是尖酸的讽刺和驳斥。What followed was a torrent of comments satirizing flamers and trolls in general.

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这些是拖沓缓慢的、吹毛求疵的辩论,充斥着尖酸刻薄和民族主义。These are slow, nit-picky debates, fraught with acrimony and issues of nationalism.

但如果葡萄酒酸度太大,尝起来就会非常尖酸,闻起来也会有很重的挥发性。Wine that contains too much acidity will have a nasty biting vinegary and sour taste.

我是一个话语尖酸刻薄的女子,我习惯了给人不留余地。I am a discourse mordant woman, I used to give a person leave no room for negotiation.