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随时欢迎!Welcome any time!

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随时欢迎给我打电话。Feel free to call me.

我可以随时打败你。I can beat you anytime.

她们的芳踪在派对中随时见到。You see them at parties.

他随时都可能到达。He may arrive any instant.

我随时可能被杀死。I could be killed anytime.

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你随时都可以到我家来作客。Visit us whenever you can.

丫头,随时给我打电话。Hey, call me anytime kiddo.

我随时听候您的吩咐。I'm always at your service.

随时欢迎你回来。You're welcome at any time.

随时欢迎您的光临。And you are welcome anytime.

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需要帮助时请随时按铃。Ring any time you need help.

欢迎随时来坐坐。Feel free to drop in anytime.

我随时都乐意帮助你。I'm happy to help you anytime.

你可以随时做我的舵手!You can be my wingman anytime!

随时保持你的幽默感。Keep your sense of humor handy.

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这张支票随时可以兑取。This check can be paid at call.

你随时可当我的僚机飞行员。You can be my wingman any time.

俺的战锤随时待命,伙计。Me hammer is always ready, lads.