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处罚封犯罪有强大的威慑作用。Punishment is a strong deterrent to crime.

核武器是终极的威慑力量。Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent.

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没有证据表明死刑极具威慑力量。There is little evidence that the death penalty deters.

这项计划的目的旨在威慑、阻止人们醉驾。It is aimed to be a deterrent, a way to discourage people.

帝国主义的核“威慑力量”已经破产。The imperialists' nuclear "deterrent" has met its failure.

他们的导弹被视为一种防卫和威慑力量。Their missiles are viewed as a defensive and deterrent force.

正是这个优势赋予了核武器威慑力量。It’s this edge that gives nuclear weapons their power to deter.

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这种偏见假定惩罚起起到威慑的作用。Its assumption is that punishments serve a function of determent.

此外,本部分还讨论了威慑理论的缺陷问题。Moreover, Chpter three will discuss the defect of overawing theory.

这个想法是为了让惩罚,因此也让威慑变得可能。The idea is to make punishment, and therefore deterrence, possible.

威慑而非反导拦截仍是最佳的防御手段。Deterrence, not antimissile interceptors, is still the best defense.

恐怖活动者的直接目的是追求最大的威慑效应。The ultimate object of terrorists is to achieve the maximum overawe.

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某种意义上,核武器反而应被接受为一必要威慑。Instead, to some extent, they should be accepted as a necessary deterrent.

凹槽是为了赶上在作为一种威慑切变线到采摘。The groove is intended to catch at the shear line as a deterrent to picking.

你总不能让法国成为拥有自己威慑力量的唯一的欧洲国家吧。You can't let the French be the only European country with their own deterrent.

第三部分在第二部分的基础上讨论刑罚的威慑理论。Chapter three of the article will mainly discuss the theory of punishment-overawing.

与许多国家一样,中国也对违规者予以严厉惩罚,以示威慑。As in many countries, China doles out severe punishment to transgressors as a deterrent.

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杜布瓦教授还表现,对仿冒品销售商的罚款不敷高,不敷以形成威慑。And Mr Dubois said fines for sellers of fake goods were not high enough to be a deterrent.

又因灯光对小偷有威慑作用,同时起到防盗阻吓功能。Lighting because of the thieves have deterrent effect, while a burglar deterrent function.

对大多数罪犯来说,最大的威慑力量是警方可能会破案并将他们逮捕。The most important deterrent for most criminals is the likelihood of detection and arrest.