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我的鞋里有一粒石子。I have a stone in my shoe.

一个破碎的石子,独自痛哭。Left a hard-bitten stone alone.

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他赞叹道,“你从哪里找来的这些石子呢?”Wherever did you get all these?

这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。The place is a cobbled triangle.

飞来的石子把门砸凹了。Flying gravel had dinged the door.

然后把你自己想象成那颗石子。Then think of yourself as that stone.

难道是岩石,石块,石子,和石头?Are they rocks, rocks, rocks and rocks?

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那男孩用弹弓射了一粒石子。The boy discharged a stone from a sling.

这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。Point p2, The place is a cobbled triangle.

他们碾碎石子以制造水泥。They crushed down stone for making cement.

还是拿石子儿砸猫子、打驴子?Or was it stoning a cat and beating an ass?

设想你将石子扔到静静的池塘中,池水会有什么反应?Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond.

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有个石子击到汽车上,打坏了漆面。A stone hit the car and damaged the paintwork.

地上铺满了棱角锋利的石子。The ground was strewn with sharp-edged pebbles.

然后他叫我把自己想象成那颗石子。Then he asked me to think of myself as that stone.

混凝土是用水泥、沙、石子和水制成的。Concrete is made of cement, sand, stones, and water.

石子打在狗的身上,狗哀叫一声,似乎什么地方痛了。Dog cried when stone hit it, seems some places hurt.

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要做的是做撑起社会大厦的石子和泥沙。To do is make up of social building stones and sand.

他顺着石子铺的宽甬路,朝着那座大楼走去。He went down the broad gravel path towards the building.

那男孩用石子掷击小流氓的背脊。The boy gave the bully a pelt on the back with a pebble.