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戴镜时间每日平均13.5小时,无明显角结膜并发症出现。The average time of wearing RGPCL was 13.5 hours per day.

结膜下出血是十分常见的眼部表现。Subconjunctival hemorrhages are very common ocular findings.

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它们是由结膜和巩膜间的出血造成的。They are caused by bleeding between the conjunctiva and the sclera.

目的研究人结膜杯状细胞和粘液的形态。To study the morphology of human conjunctival goblet cells and mucus.

高龄和男性是结膜囊带菌量较高的危险因素。Male and old age were the risk factors to higher aerobic conjunctival flora.

总之,结膜色素痣可以是多发的,貌似黑色素瘤。In conclusion, conjunctival blue nevus can be multifocal and masquerade as melanoma.

目的总结羊膜在结膜囊成形术中的应用及临床疗效。Objective To observe the application of amniotic membrane in conjunctival sac plasty.

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受检者睁蛝,检查眼睛位置。注意结膜是否下垂。Inspect eye position with eyes open. Note if any portion of lower conjunctiva is visible.

眼表由角膜上皮、结膜上皮及表面的泪膜共同组成。The ocular surface consists of the tear film, the epithelia of the cornea and conjunctiva.

特别是突发高热、结膜潮红、咳嗽、流脓涕等症状。In particular, sudden high fever, conjunctival flushing, cough, symptoms such as streaming.

眼内容剜除巩膜覆盖法置入义眼座组无结膜伤口裂开与义眼座暴露。In evisceration implant group, no conjunctival dehiscence and orbital implant exposure occurred.

我们经由结膜侧将此囊肿完全切除,追综7个月没有复发的现象。Complete excision through conjunctival approach cured it without recurrence in a 7-month follow-up.

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毛囊性丘疹和脓疱在青春期加重,并伴有畏光、结膜干燥、睑缘炎。Follicular pustular and papules aggravated in the puberty with photophobia, xeroma and blepharitis.

目的探讨原发性结膜下眶脂肪脱垂的CT表现。Objective To discuss CT features of patients with spontaneous subconjunctival orbital fat prolapse.

观察单纯结膜瓣移植治疗翼状胬肉的疗效。BACKGROUND To observe the therapeutic effects of transplantation of conjunctival flap for pterygium.

结论结膜下翼状胬肉切除术操作简单、创伤小、效果好。Conclusion Pterygium resection under conjunctiva is easy to perform with minor wound and high effect.

K14表达在睑缘皮肤粘膜交界处及睑结膜上皮细胞。K14 was mainly in the epithelial layer of palpebral mucocutaneous junction and palpebral conjunctiva.

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病变部位包括结膜、表巩膜、角膜、虹彩、水晶体、玻璃体、及视网膜等。O. C. The lesions were found in the conjunctiva , episclera, cornea, iris, lens, vitreous, and retina.

结果9例病人中,6例有眼球突出,5例有眼眶疼痛与结膜或眼睑充血。Results Of the 9 patients, 6 showed proptosis, 5 had orbital pain and conjunctival or eyelid congestion.

结膜出血呈现均匀一致的红色,多呈片状,边界清楚。Conjunctiva haemorrhage presents the red that agrees equably, submit a form more, attrib border and clear.