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因此,七引出八So, seven pulls up into eight.

这就引出了一个显而易见的问题.And it begs the obvious question.

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可以轻而易举引出其他的。I could certainly produce others.

这就引出了下一个话题。This brings us to the next topic.

因此在三个方向上均可引出接线。It can wire from three directions.

它引出八这个主音It pulls up into eight--the tonic.

这矛头引出了许多问题。This spearhead raises many questions.

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试着让她来引出你的价值。Try to get her to elicit your values.

想必知道你引出了。You gotta know that you're bringin'out.

它的作用是引出主音And what it does is pull into the tonic.

一个答案又引出了下步的问题。One answer points out the next question.

由这个小数位引出的差距却是巨大的。The resulting difference is significant.

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现在要引出关键问题了。And now this may lead to the key questions.

这种措词可能会引出歧义。The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity.

这引出下个问题,债券收益的现金流是怎样的So that means what is the stream of payments?

铃声把孩子们从屋子里引出来。The bell drew the children out of the houses.

用于制作引出线,支撑杆,打印针等。Applied for making lead, support, typing needle.

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这就引出了新闻的倾向性问题。This has drawn out the news tendentious question.

这就引出了受信任连接的思想。This introduces the idea of a trusted connection.

它还引出了如何自我塑造的问题。It also raises the question of how a self is made.