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多种燃料内燃机。Multi-fuel internal combustion engine.

能较理想的清洗内燃机各部位的积灰。Ideal cleaning internal combustion engine parts of ash.

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内燃机引擎有各种不同的类型。There are different kinds of internal combustion engines.

但它必须同时也要把世界从内燃机手下解救出来。And it must save the world from the internal combustion engine.

提出内燃机散热器设计的H-NE数学模型。Aim To raise the H-NE math model for designing engine radiators.

内燃机是自然的高摩擦装置。Internal-combustion engines are by nature high-friction devices.

该电机主要用于东风8B内燃机上。This type motor is mainly used in Dongfeng 8B diesel locomotive.

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通常来说,一部车由内燃机发动。Generally, an automobile is operated by internal combustion engine.

内燃机发电机能提供足够的能量驱动汽车。The engine-generator provides sufficient power to propel the vehicle.

单元尺寸对内燃机模态计算精度的影响。Influence of Element Length on the Modal Calculation Accuracy of I. C. E.

两轴倾斜测试台架通常用于内燃机开发中。Two-axial tilting test rigs are employed in combustion engine development.

内燃机不仅能用汽油开动,而且能用煤油开动。The internal combustion engines can operate on kerosene as well as on benzine.

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早期的内燃机使用原先弃置不用的汽油运转。The first internal combustion engines ran on the previously discarded gasoline.

所述控制器将内燃机中至少一个气缸停缸。The controller deactivates at least one cylinder in an internal combustion engine.

但是在一个内燃机中,如果我们没有氧气罐会发生什么呢。But, in an internal combustion engine what happens is we don't have an oxygen tank.

润滑油金属清净剂是内燃机油不可缺少的一类主要添加剂。Metal detergent is the main additive for internal-combustion engine lubricating oil.

我想见证内燃机不在应用于,人们出行生活。I want to see the end of the internal combustion engine applied to personal mobility.

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二冲程微型摆式内燃机的性能在很大程度上取决于扫气过程是否完善。The MFPSE's Capability mostly lies on that whether the sweep gas progress is perfect.

考察了加入粘度指数改进剂对内燃机油运动粘度的影响。The effect of viscosity index improvers on viscosity of engine oils was investigated.

史绍熙院士对层流流量计和内燃机空气流量测量的贡献。Contributions on Laminar Flowmeter and Intake Flowrate of ICE by Academician Shih S. H.