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悬赏10分…具体的再加分…A reward 10points. Detailed again add cent.

悬赏这个戒子好漂亮,我好喜欢!This ring is so gorgeous, I really like it!

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难道你就是被FBI悬赏的家伙?You're somebody who's wanted by the FBI, right?

这帮歹徒每个人都被悬赏通辑。Every member of the gang has a price on his head.

在悬赏缉拿他的首级的情况下他被迫退到保安去。He was driven back to pao an with a price on his head.

悬赏醉了的感觉真好,能对你说心里话。汉译英?It's good to be drunk, so that I can talk to you with my heart.

“这是对他亲生儿子,奈文人头的悬赏。”我大声地说。"It's a bounty on the head of his own son, Niven, " I said aloud.

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美政府还发放了很多传单,并将悬赏能够使这名士兵平安回来的人。Leaflets have been distributed and a reward offered for his safe return.

悬赏醉了的感觉真好,能对你说心里话。汉译英?I feel good when I am drunk, because I can tell you what I think in my heart.

当局还悬赏向提供嫌犯线索的居民颁发现金奖励。Residents have been offered cash rewards for any tips that lead to an arrest.

你要买广告,悬赏已有客户的推荐,制作网页吗?Will you buy ads, encourage referrals from existing customers, create a website?

1943年,她上了盖世太保的黑名单,他们悬赏五百万法郎捉拿她。By 1943, she was the Gestapo’s most-wanted person, with a 5 million-franc price on her head.

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牛仔接了城市里的悬赏令,要把附近的山贼团伙给消灭掉。Cowboy to the cities of the reward, to the near eradication of Brigands Sweep groups to swap.

于是,法老悬赏说,任何能够解梦的人将成为埃及的国家总理。So, thePharaoh offered that whoever knew what the dream meant would become theGovernor of Egypt.

为了解决在海上计算经线的问题,1675年英格兰国王查理二世下令建造了皇家格林尼治天文台,同时他还悬赏了一大笔奖金,给予第一个发明出在海上也能准确计时的钟表的人。He offered an enormous cash prize to anyone who could build a clock that would remain accurate at sea.

“悬赏我最渴望”之称的第一政治家,“是我的同胞公民的感激之情。”"The reward which I most desire, " said the first politician, "is the gratitude of my fellow-citizens.

案发后几分钟内警察到达现场,清理搜查了周围的地方,而后又提供了丰厚的悬赏奖金,但这一切都是徒劳。The authorities arrived within minutes, combing the area and later offering a massive reward, all for nothing.

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在有望获得这一悬赏的人选中,一个频频出现的名字是剑桥大学教授、菲尔茨数学奖得主艾伦-贝克尔。One name that crops up repeatedly is that of Alan Baker , a Cambridge University professor and Fields medallist.

这个赏金猎人准备再去匪徒赫特人贾巴那里领赏,因为对方在悬赏缉拿索洛。The bounty hunter was set to collect the reward on Solo's head placed there by the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt.

是否为了得到弗里德曼那笔未经政府同意而承诺的悬赏金,赫尔曼才挺身举报的,至今不得而知。Whether Mr. Friedman’s promise of a reward, unauthorized by Israel, had truly motivated Mr. Hermann remains unknown.