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是同一条还是两条?One worm there or two?

是同一辆车。It's the very same car.

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它们都来自同一词源。It is all the same root.

蹲下来与孩子在同一高度。Come down to their level.

同一个世界,同一壶茶香!One world, one cup of tea.

她也住在同一座宿舍楼。She lived in my dorm also.

按时吃药。慈是同一时代的。Take the medicine on time.

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我们住在同一条小巷里。We live in the same alley.

明天同一时间不见不散。See you same time tomorrow.

他们属于同一门类。They are of the same class.

它们是同一种物理量。They are the same quantity.

手与臀部在同一水平线上。Keep your hands at hip level.

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同一地球同一梦想同一月光光。One World one Dream one Moon.

你们都在同一班吗?Are you all in the same class?

你是和我去同一方向吗?Are you going in my direction?

同一个家同一个梦同一首诗。One home, one dream, one poem.

现在我们都在同一条船上。Well, we are in a common boat.

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爱是同一杯饮料里的两个习惯。Love is two pipettes in a drink.

如果所说的咱俩是同一家公司。Our company is near to our home.

部分土地在同一季内种植了两种作物。Part of the land is double-crop.