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亚拉伯罕林肯总统异常震怒。President Abraham Lincoln was angry.

当玉帝看到雨,他十分震怒。When the Jade Emperor saw the rain, he was furious.

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里根总统对于保罗•沃尔克德做法深感震怒。President Reagan was furious but Volcker stuck to his guns.

他说萨维尔报告发现「令人震怒」.He said that the findings of the Saville Report were "shocking".

拉姆斯菲尔德对这种事情也深感震怒,但在他六年的国防部长生涯中,仅仅辞退了一名高级官员。Rumsfeld raged, but, in six years, fired only one senior official.

王的震怒,如杀人的使者。但智慧人能止息王怒。A king's wrath is a messenger of death, but a wise man will appease it.

因为将有大灾难降在这地方,也有震怒临到这百姓。There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people.

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耶和华要在他的震怒中吞灭他们。In his wrath the Lord will swallow them up, and his fire will consume them.

王的震怒如杀人的使者,但智慧人能止息王怒。A king's wrath is a messenger of death, and whoever is wise will appease it.

老夫人对这个年轻人对她表现出的无礼态度大为震怒。The old lady was very angry about the impoliteness the young man showed to her.

鸠利亚诺,收到来信,得悉教皇对我擅自离职一事大为震怒。Giuliano, I learn from a letter sent by you that the pope was angry at my departure.

文国轩知道原来是文学庭向陈忠强救助,而大为震怒。Wen Guoxuan know the original literature to Chen Zhongqiang court relief, and infuriated.

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中国网民震怒,数百名业余侦探查出视频来源。China's netizens erupted with rage and hundreds of amateur sleuths traced the video to Hangzhou.

某次她下班和男同事喝酒,深夜才回去,他大为震怒,是夜睡到了另一个房间。One day, she went to have a drink with her male colleagues after work and went back home late at night.

为此震怒的梅内莱厄斯说服了他的兄弟阿加门农,并向希腊的英雄们表达了复仇的必要性。The angry Menelaus persuaded his brother Agamemnon, and stressed the necessity of revenge on the Greek heroes.

而在某些波希米亚文明中它又成为一颗由于神震怒而砸成六片的星。In some Polynesian cultures they were once one star that was smashed by a god in anger and broken into six pices.

一次,客人在包厢大嚼槟榔,珍珠不满,和客人爆口角冲突,客人震怒,将酒瓶砸向珍珠!Once, guest in box big chew betel nut, pearls, and guests quarrel conflict, guest, broke the bottle to the pearl!

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志宏逼着三连长说出了子萍与牛家少爷在客栈幽会的事,十分震怒,带兵赶往客栈。Forced out of three Zhihong commander Zi Ping and Niu Jia master in the inn tryst, very angry, goes out to the inn.

吸血者也得偷偷摸摸、诡计多端,善于避开通常比自己大的寄主在震怒下的猛击。Blood feeders must also be stealthy and wily and good at escaping the swats and fury of their often much larger hosts.

信子的人有永生,不信子的人得不着永生,神的震怒常在他身上。Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but must endure God's wrath.