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这是一种令人激动和震撼人心的经验。This was an exciting and a humbling experience.

贝加尔湖震撼人心,是世界上最深最清的湖。Baikal is the most beautiful place in the world.

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一个漂亮的炻器系列看起来总是震撼人心的。A beautiful stoneware range which will always look sensational.

这种青春是多么绚丽夺目呀,这种使命是多么震撼人心啊!This youth is how brilliant ah, this mission is how shocking ah!

这张震撼人心的照片已经成为在伊拉克的美国士兵象征。This powerful image became a symbol of the American soldier in Iraq.

接著,神用震撼人心的景象,来显明?的能力、荣耀和温柔。Next came a powerful vision of God's power, His glory and tenderness.

这些照片,无论是黑白的还是彩色的,都一样震撼人心。And it’s no matter colorful these shots or black&white they just impress.

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当我们说到‘至死不渝’时,我们都觉得这太震撼人心了。We thought it would be way too melodramatic to say ‘till death do us part.’

20世纪的历史进程由三次震撼人心的运动构成。The course of the 20th Century has been shaped by three stupendous movements.

俸正杰以其震撼人心、鄙俗却技术娴熟的商业美感肖像画而闻名。Feng Zhengjie is known for his electrifying, kitschy portraits of commercial beauty.

我相信那些伴随着内心深处迸发出的激情的舞蹈是最美的,最能震撼人心的。I believe the dance full of passion deep in heart is the most attractive and heart quaking.

所以,无论是左翼还是右翼断言这项新报告是震撼人心的实属荒唐。That is why it is ridiculous to claim, from left or right, that the new report is shocking.

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湖面上天鹅翩翩起舞,起则如青天飞雪,落则似素锦铺地,震撼人心,蔚为大观!Swan lake, dancing, such as the blue sky from the snow, off the ground like Su-Kam, stirring, !

托尔斯泰笔下的安娜与曹禺笔下的蘩漪以其震撼人心的爱情悲剧吸引着一代又一代读者。Anna by Tolstoy and Poyi by ChaoYu have absorbed generations of readers with their love tragedy.

它的力量是震撼人心和灵魂的,那怕是在如此悲痛的场合中。The power of it was so astounding and soul-stirring , ever if at such a grief-stricken situation.

社区组织者不"解决问题",不提供服务或发表震撼人心的讲话。A community organizer doesn’t “fix things” — doesn’t provide services or make impressive speeches.

作者亲眼目睹母亲陷入老年痴呆,极其诚实地讲述了一个震撼人心的动人故事。A searingly honest and moving account by a writer who has witnessed her mother's slide into Dementia

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才冥冥中悟到为何有时一个摄影作品能那么的震撼人心!Why sometimes only then dark becomes aware a photographic work to be able such having a great impact on!

尽管该地葡萄酒产量小于比邻的纳帕,但酒的品质上乘,酒庄风景震撼人心。Napa's neighbor is smaller in terms of wine production, but has highly sought-after wines and sweeping vistas.

布兰恩前锋胡塞勒姆非常震撼人心在一月转会窗联系上转会利物浦。SK Brann striker Erik Huseklepp has been linked with a shock move to Liverpool in the January transfer window.