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你今天看上去气色较好。You look better today.

买一双质量较好的球鞋。Buy a good pair of sneakers.

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你慢慢走较好。You may advisably walk slowly.

具有较好的团队合作精神。Have good sense of team spirit.

氙也是较好的路易斯碱。It is also a better Lewis base.

槟榔碱稳定性较好。And arecoline stability is good.

PMMA具有较好的抗冲击特性。PMMA has good impact properties.

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告诉我它们之中哪个较好。Tell me which of them is better.

这预兆表明会产生较好的效果。The omens betide better results.

输入导线使用屏蔽线较好。Input wire use the shielded wire.

催化剂WP1具有较好的稳定性。WP1 had better catalytic stability.

它有较好的流变性和触变性。It has good rheology and thixotropy.

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如要较好的座位必须另加钱。You must pay extra for a better seat.

口蘑是一种较好的减肥美容食品。Tricholoma beauty is a good diet food.

圆盘科具有较好的实用性。Disc weigher is a well-Pratical device.

这两块手表中,哪一块较好?。Which is the better of the two watches?

复方麦冬丸有较好的祛痰作用。FFM have good eliminating phlegm effect.

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我授与你的是有较好的质量。I grant that yours are of better quality.

同时,具有较好的广普性。Meanwhile the product can be used widely.

且软起动器具有较好的鲁棒性。The performance of the starter is robust.