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而鲁珀特·默多克善于把报纸扭亏为盈So Rupert Murdoch tends to bring papers around.

另外,尼康光刻机业务也开始扭亏为盈。Nikon is also reversing its losses in lithography.

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他进入了宁波的一个亏损的手套厂,并在两年之后扭亏为盈。He moved to Ningbo glove factory, a loss-making enterprise, and turned it around in two years.

即便消费者的电视机购买量是前所未有地高,电视机制造商却在艰难地力图扭亏为盈。Even as consumers were buying more televisions than ever, TV makers struggled to turn a profit.

惠好上周五声明,四季度财政已经较去年同期扭亏为盈。On Friday, Weyerhaeuser said it had swung to a fourth-quarter profit from a loss a year earlier.

在决定变革商业模式前,她为扭亏为盈苦苦挣扎了两年。She struggled through two years of fluctuating revenue before deciding to change her business model.

例如,摩托罗拉移动设备产品部正是靠着Android才能扭亏为盈。Motorola’s Mobile Device division has swung from losses to profits on the back of Android, for example.

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他在当地的声誉让他签订一份带领特里尼达一家国营钢铁企业扭亏为盈的合同,随后他就兼并了该钢铁厂。His reputation there led to a contract to turn around the state-owned steel industry in Trinidad , which he later acquired.

在印度榜上有名的三大航空公司,执行缩减预算之策的斯百斯航空,是唯一在第二季度扭亏为盈的公司。Of India’s three listed airlines, a budget carrier, Spicejet, was the only one to turn a profit in the most recent quarter.

夏至,太阳位于北回归线的正上方,北半球扭亏为盈获得更多的阳光。On June 21, the Sun sits above the Tropic of Cancer, spreading more sunlight in the north and turning the tables on the south.

在任汉阳铁厂总办期间,李维格对汉阳铁厂的改良扩张贡献巨大,产品质量得到改善,结构得到优化,短期内实现扭亏为盈。During his term of supervisor in Hanyang Iron Works, he had made tremendous contributions to the reformation and development of the factory.

本片讲述了二手车清算人堂里迪帮助濒临倒闭的一个汽车行扭亏为盈,但在爱情面前却手足无措。The film tells the used car liquidatortogether tohelpthebrinkofcollapse reedy lines of a car turnaround, but are unprepared inthefaceoflove.

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风险投资人开始倡导节俭,敦促他们所投资的创业公司减少费用,扭亏为盈。The risk investor starts to initiate thriftily , urges the undertaking company which they invest to reduce the expense, turns losses into profit.

对于航空业的大多数决策者来说,将商务乘客吸引回来是最重要的—这也是企业迅速扭亏为盈的关键。For most of the industry's heavy hitters, luring back business travelers is top priority-and the key to any immediate turnaround in their fortunes.

他对记者称,"经历第二季季节性疲弱后,我们预计第三季将扭亏为盈.""We expect to return to profit in the third quarter from a seasonally weak second quarter," Hong told reporters after introducing new fridges in Korea.

如何扭亏为盈,摆脱困境,本文将从内部管理和外部监督两方面进行分析,并提出改善办法。How can they turn around and get out of the woods? This article analyses from the internal management and external supervision and proposes improvement ways.

承包者应保证,承包经营期满时,合营企业能够扭亏为盈或经营状况有明显改善。The contractor shall see to it that the joint venture becomes profitable or at least its performance is improved remarkably when the contracting term expires.

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今年2月,埃洛普曾承诺让苦苦挣扎的诺基亚扭亏为盈,逐步淘汰该公司因繁琐和过时而饱受批评的Symbian智能手机操作系统。In February, Elop pledged to turn around struggling Nokia, phasing out the company's Symbian smartphone software, which was criticized as cumbersome and outdated.

金融危机让众多零售商在这个假日季感受到的是一场灾难,他们原本通常要靠圣诞节选购礼物的热潮让自己扭亏为盈,但今年的如意算盘只能落空。The crisis has brought a disastrous holiday season for many retailers, who depend on the frenzy to buy Christmas presents to push them into the black for the year.

在投入数十亿美元资金、花了数年的时间进行重组后,正当通用汽车的西欧业务看起来有扭亏为盈的势头时,该地区的销量却出现了下滑。The decline in Western Europe comes just as the region appeared to be getting back into black ink after billions of dollars and several years worth of restructuring.