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他靠三寸不烂之舌使一个拦住他的侦探将他放行了。He talked his way past a detective who stopped him.

我给他们签字放行,保证他们行为端正。I'll sign them out and gua rant ee their good behavior.

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在付完罚款后海关放行货物。The custom released the goods against payment of a fine.

导入和放行新的塑料、金属和包装等原材料。Introduce and release new plastic, metal and package materials.

防止不合格品的非预期使用或放行。Prevent the unintended use or release of nonconforming product.

那人解释说他只是在等待“绿灯放行”。The man explained that he was just waiting for “the green light.

我终于被放行,手是划着宝贵粉笔记号的行李,匆匆离去。I was able to hurry away with precious chalk marks on my baggage.

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那人解释说他只是在等待“绿灯放行”。The man explained that he was just waiting for “the green light.”

没有原始分空运单,海关将不对收货人放行货物。Without original HAWB , customs will not release cargo to the cnee.

作为家长,对粉红色和类似的漂亮东西挥手放行是件很容易也很有诱惑力的事情。It is tempting, as a parent, to give the new pink-and-pretty a pass.

计徵税款的期限自货物放行之日起计算。The tariff will be calculated from the date goods entered into China.

本月,他批准在几个边境检查站放行了载有玻璃、木材和铝的卡车。This month he opened the crossings to trucks of glass, wood and aluminium.

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高考期间交管部门会给贴有这种黄色标志的出租车开绿灯放行。In a further move, green lights will be given to taxis with the yellow sign.

精英组为第一梯次,比赛放行后,攻势一波接著一波,每个车队都想先冲出重围。First elite group, when race start. So many attack, each team wants break away.

空中交通管制放行你到北京,高度10000米。起飞后直接爬高到10000米。ATC clears you to Beijing at 10000M. After take-off straight climbing to 10000M.

对他施行手术的医生特维纳将会在今天为他的复出放行。The doctor that operated on him, Taverna , could give him the green light today.

并在白色提货单上盖三检放行章。And cover three types of inspections in the bill of lading release white chapter.

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警卫总是把稻草翻个底朝上,什么也翻不出来,只好放行。The guard would look through the straw, and find nothing and pass the man through.

麻烦的是,巴萨实行的最低放行费为9千万英镑。The trouble is that La Blaugrana have imposed a minimum release fee of 90 million.

我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后,商检局才会予以放行。Our goods must be up to export standards before the Inspection Bureau releases them.