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有人打了你的小报告吗?And someone just reported you?

他过去常打同学的小报告。He used to inform against his classmates.

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也许他以为你向经理打他的小报告了。Maybe he thought you reported him to the manager.

对曾经伤害过她的人,她总是打他们的小报告作为一种报复。She always squeals on those who hurt her before as a revenge.

彼得喜欢拍老闆马屁。她总是打同事的小报告!Peter like to kiss up to the boss. He always tattles on other co-workers!

此报告首先列出组成它的所有小报告。The report begins with the list of all the small reports it is made up of.

这样即使别人打你的小报告,你的好名声也可以轻而易举的让你虎口脱险。While information may be power, your reputation trumps that kind of power easily.

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我希望这段小报告能够帮助你弄到个末日守卫。I hope this little report explains some of the questions you might had about doomy.

图表注释说主要新闻机构没有对艾滋病的小报告之前一九八三年。Exhibit notes say major news organizations did little reporting on AIDS before nineteen eighty-three.

玛尼教育她的学生不要打别人的小报告。但这仍是詹森需要吸取的一个教训。Marni teaches her schoolchildren not to tattle on others. But that's a lesson Jason still needs to learn.

会上不但有越来越多的综述,这样你可以高屋建瓴地了解整个领域,也有个人报告-15分钟的小报告介绍新进展。More and more reviews so that you can get an overview of the entire area whereas there is also individual presentations— the15- minute mini-presentation talking about the new sciences.

一位鸡婆的神仙发现了猪八戒对嫦娥的暗恋并且打了小报告给了玉皇大帝,玉帝被猪八戒的偏执的单相思所震怒,并且命令猪八戒回到天庭。A meddlesome god detected Pig's love for Chang E and reported it to the emperor of heaven, who was infuriated at Pig's bigotedly mundane love and ordered him not to return to heaven for eternity.