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那是1958年十月,我在高尔基世界文学研究所求学,正发着高烧。It was October 1958.

我要走完自己的求学路。" me will walk own study road ".

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在求学的路上,我也遇到了我的恩师。In my studying way, I met my mentor.

你们在这所优异的大学求学。You’re here at this great university.

我的求学之路好象有点苦呢?I study the way it seems a bit bitter ?

你会去求学吗?,你会去旅行吗?Would you be in school? Would you travel?

我求学期间由父母供养。I am support by my parents when I am study.

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求学问一定要有追根究底的精神。One must be thorough in acquiring knowledge.

我在一所观念与世俗不同的地方求学。But I was schooled in a different era of thought.

这段在师大求学的时光,将令我永难忘怀!My time at NTNU is an experience I will never forget.

我的一些老师想把这一求学过程变得更人性化些。Some of my professors tried to "humanize" the process.

大学先修班可谓是求学生涯中最艰难的阶段之一。Form 6 is one of the toughest phases in student's life.

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1929年至1931年姚雪垠求学于河南大学。Yao Xueyin studied in Henan University from 1929 to 1931.

这是一个普通外地小女孩在北京求学的故事。It is a story of an outlander girl who studies in Beijing.

列出在求学进程中助理副理过的几位教练。List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

在同创求学的这三年里,我学到了很多。I have gained a lot in a span of three years at CS College.

在求学路上,我也遇到了志同道合的同学。During our school days on the road, I met like-minded students.

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获胜者可以得到去帕森斯求学的机会。The winner gets the opportunity to go to Parsons — as a student.

马西莫夫曾在北京和湖南求学,是个中国通。Educated in Beijing and Hunan, Mr Massimov is an expert on China.

求学的路走得越远,生活中也会走得越远。The farther you go in school, the farther you're gonna go in life.