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沙特阿拉伯的保守派也不甘示弱。Saudi Arabia’s conservatives are not so cowed.

不甘示弱的徐某说出自家的地址。Not to be outdone, the Xu family to say the address.

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小陈也不甘示弱,把球投了出去,结果没有进。Chen also don't fiddle, throwing the ball out, did not result in.

而老虎·伍兹也不甘示弱,在15洞用一个老鹰球挽回了损失。Not to be outdone, Tiger Woods eagled the 15th pole to salvage his round.

员工们兴致勃勃,积极踊跃,每一个都不甘示弱。Employees in high spirits, and actively enthusiastic, each one not to be outdone.

在堪萨斯州首府托皮卡,一些积极分子也不甘示弱,正在积极推进一个全国奥巴马假日。Not to be outdone, some activists in Topeka , Kansas, are promoting a national Obama holiday.

文红旗也不甘示弱,把兰贵成的东西扔到书房,宣布正式分居。The red flag is not to be outdone, throw LanGuiCheng things to study, announced formally separated.

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陈不甘示弱从背后抽出水果刀,朝卢猛刺,行凶后携刀逃逸。Chen outdone out from behind a fruit knife, North Korea Lu stabbed, assailant fled after carrying knives.

商业Hadoop的先驱Cloudera也不甘示弱,于昨天发布了自己的HDFS合作伙伴计划。Not to be outdone, commercial Hadoop pioneer Cloudera announced an HDFS partnership of its own yesterday.

所以由10岁或11岁起,他也不甘示弱,更愿意尝试新的食物。By the age of 10 or 11, he didn’t want to be outdone by his sister and was far more willing to try new foods.

法拉利也不甘示弱,继今年五月份开展了第一次代理之后,正打算在年底之前再开办四次。Ferrari is right behind. It opened its first dealership in May and plans to open four more by the end of next year.

媒人也不甘示弱,“你们第一回见面后,我就说,他一眼就看中你了。”" said the go-between with justice on his side, "When you met first, I told you that he settled on you with one eye."

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然而,军博房展也不甘示弱地表示早有“王牌”在手,不怕国贸房展来抢客户。However, that has won numerous are also not willing to be outdone in the "trump card" in hand, not merely trade exhibitions customers.

但是查韦斯从来都是不甘示弱的人。后来,他说西国王有失风度、挑起口水战、十分难看。But never one to lie down, Chavez said later the Spanish had come out of the verbal spat looking bad after the king lost his composure.

一年级的小朋友是我们学校最小的同学,但他们也不甘示弱,让我们一起欣赏歌舞“生日晚会”。The students of grade one are the minimus of our school. But they also prepare the play. Let's enjoy their performing birthday's party.

串红和鸡冠花也不甘示弱,你看,串红像是许多特制的冰糖葫芦插在土里。String of red and cockscomb to be outdone, you can see, red string like a number of tailor-made sugar-coated haws inserted in the earth.

怎么没告诉你?”媒人也不甘示弱,“你们第一回见面后,我就说,他一眼就看中你了。”"I have told you. " said the go-between with justice on his side, "When you met first, I told you that he settled on you with one eye. "

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男性也“不甘示弱”,调查发现,英国男性的平均腰围增加了1.4英寸,达到38英寸。Men are also nowhere behind the fairer sex, for the research found that the average man's waistline has grown by 1.4 inches to 38 inches.

上个月,中国发射了“神舟七号”载人航天飞船,并进行了首次太空行走,印度也不甘示弱。Chinese astronauts were feted as national heroes last month after their country's first space walk, and India did not want to be left behind.

听着队长喊,我们也不甘示弱,声音一个比一个高,心想这次我们啦啦队可把二3班的啦啦队员比下去了。Listen to the captain shouted, we are not to be outdone, a sound than a high, wish this time we cheerleaders can put 2 class 3 cheerleaders ratio.