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他们有庞大的阵容。They have a big cast.

他同意这样的演员阵容。He agrees to the casting.

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那影片演员阵容坚强。The film has a superior cast.

这部电影必定是全明星阵容。This will be an all-star cast!

这个水球队阵容很强。This water polo team is a strong one.

它需要小型车来扩充它的阵容。It needs to add small cars to the lineup.

本片的阵容包括甄子丹和金城武。Starring Donnie Yen and Takeshi Kaneshiro.

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我认为巴西的首发阵容中将没有尼尔玛。A. I expect Brazil to line up without Nilmar

我要现在巴萨最佳阵容?Do I want the optimum Basa battle array now?

球队阵容中将没有琼斯。Jones will be missing from the team line-up.

真正认识他的人不会诘责他虚张阵容。No one who knew him would tax him with ruin.

这部电影的演员阵容包括了一名著名的男演员。The cast of this movie included a famous actor.

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迈阿密阵容中的三当家---波什。The third King in the Miami lineup, Chris Bosh.

但我们阵容强大,足以应付。However, we've got a strong squad and we'll cope.

这就是可以组成的最佳阵容吗?Is this the best offensive lineup ever assembled?

演员阵容包括约翰·塞纳、丹尼·格洛弗和帕特里西亚·克拉克森。John Cena, Danny Glover and Patricia Clarkson star.

该片的另一个焦点在于明星云集的演员阵容。Another highlight of the movie is its all-star cast.

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小派说这样的阵容让人精神振奋。Pettitte said the promise of that staff was spirited.

我指的是在我25人主力阵容中的球员。That's if they are in our plans for the 25 man squad.

我们阵容强大,每个人都有实力。We have a big squad and everyone has a lot of ability.