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这只一场虚惊。It's just a false alarm.

真是虚惊一场!It is really a surprised!

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或许只是一场虚惊罢了。Maybe it was just a false alarm.

看来又是虚惊一场。It sounds just like a false alarm.

我知道,是啊。我想是虚惊一场。I know, yeah. False alarm, I guess.

好像第一次报告是一场虚惊。Looks like the first report was a false alarm.

目前,警方已证实这是一场虚惊。Police have now confirmed it was a false alarm.

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报警系统失灵,引起一场虚惊。The alarm system went wrong and created a false alarm.

额,原来被锁在寝室里面了…虚惊一场。Between an angel and a demon I choose to be the former.

我经常反应过度,经常虚惊一场。I overreact frequently and experience many false alarms.

“交易量为零”之说不过是一场虚惊。" transaction volume zero "but said it is a false alarm.

心脏病发作是一场虚惊,还是实验室检查有误?A false alarm or a heart attack averted or maybe a lab error?

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这起事件被形容是善意的一场虚惊。The incident was described as a well-intentioned false alarm.

有人喊"着火啦",其实是一场虚惊,并无危险。Someone shouted"Fire", but it was a false alarm and there was no danger.

这意味着,这个文件是没有恶意的,只是虚惊一场。In particular this means that this file is not malicious but a false alarm.

但是埃丽诺受了这场虚惊,却不那么容易恢复镇静。But not so easily did Elinor recover from the alarm into which it had thrown her.

于是两个奔赴克利夫兰诊所,后来发现没什么问题,虚惊一场。The two rushed to the Cleveland Clinic, where they found out it was a false alarm.

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有人喊'着火啦',其实是一场虚惊,并无任何着火的迹象。Someone shouted 'fire', but it was a false alarm, there was no sign of fire at all.

有人喊'着火啦',其实是一场虚惊,并无任何着火的迹象。Someone yelled "fire". It was actually a fault alarm. There was no sign of any fire.

天空变得黑沈沈的,我们以为要下雨了,但结果只是虚惊一场。The sky went very dark and we thought it was going to rain but it was a false alarm.