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他现在是个审美家。He is an aesthete now.

你很有审美眼光。You have an eye for beauty.

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她对服装有的审美眼光。She has good taste in clothes.

他有他自己的审美观念。His aesthetic ideas were his own.

差异纯粹是审美的。The difference is purely aesthetic.

这是我的审美观点。This is my aesthetic point of view.

然而,泡沫仅仅是审美上的需要。Lather, however, is purely aesthetic.

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符合大众对外貌的审美标准Conform to society’s standard of beauty.

我们现在对主音和弦都有点审美疲劳了。We almost fell asleep on that tonic chord.

对于她的审美眼光,我们可不敢恭维。To her aesthetic vision, we can boast about.

灰板纸包装是对审美的追求。Paperboard packaging is the aesthetic pursuit.

报告文学的活动是一种审美活动。The reportage is a kind of aesthetic activity.

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其实,寓学于乐是审美教育的一大特点。Actually, the aesthetic education is a feature.

审美及能够发现日常生活中的美。Aesthete can find the beauty in the daily life.

施特略夫一向对自己的审美感非常自豪。Stroeve had always been very proud of his taste.

第二章、“味象”之“味”的审美心理特征。The first chapter is the history of the "Taste".

电影已经影响了当前的审美标准。Moives has influenced current standars of beauty.

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宫体诗人以审美的眼光进行文学创作。Gong Ti poem creat literary by aesthetic attitude.

它们看起来很引人注意,但从审美和句法角度来讲却是马马虎虎。Grammatically and aesthetically it can look sloppy.

“淡”是宋诗较为普遍的审美风貌。Simplicity of poems is quite common in Song Dynasty.