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叮咚!凯文在家吗?Ding-dong! Is Kevin home?

旁伴着鸽泉水叮咚。Beside the springs of Dove.

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叮咚!我们再来一次吧。Ding Dong ! Here we go again.

叮咚,女巫已死。Ding-dong, the witch is dead.

叮咚!小狐狸跑去开门。Ding! Fox ran to open the door.

“叮咚,”门铃响了。Ding- dong, " went the doorbell."

叮咚,坏女巫已死。Ding-dong, the Wicked Witch is dead.

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我现在听到了叮咚的丧钟。Now I hear them --- Ding-dong, bell.

泉水叮咚,弹一曲心中舒缓的歌。The spring water comes out gently and euphoniously.

当铃响的时候,就真的是叮咚一下。There's going to be a real ding-dong when the bell goes.

叮咚一直是由雅虎提供的最令人期待的服务之一。Buzz has been one of the most anticipated service offered by Yahoo.

丛林里到处都有清澈的溪流和叮咚的泉水。In the forest, there are clear streams and tinkling spring water everywhere.

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泉水叮咚流入生活,大山广阔记在心中,此是春行之乐也!Buzz springs into the life of a vast mountain in mind, this is the spring trip is fun!

对你的思念象袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福是潺潺的小溪叮咚作响。Thoughts of you as the light smoke times, curl wish for you is bubbling brook ding-dong.

洞顶水滴若珠,滴入深池叮咚作响,名曰“灵异泉”。If the roof drops beads, drops deep pool ding-dong sound, it is called "supernatural spring."

之间有一个字母和文字之间的停顿时间越长,较长的叮咚指示该消息的末尾。There is a pause between letters and a longer one between words, a longer buzz indicates the end of the message.

海心岛是其中最大的一个。岛上有叮咚的泉水,芳香的花朵,还有一座喇嘛庙。The largest of the four islets is Haixin Island, which boasts trickling springs, fragrant flowers and a lamasery.

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城按照春天留下来的电话打过去,然后就听到春天的声音。像三月从山涧中叮咚而下的冰雪融水。Cheng phoned Spring followed the number which Spring told him, then he listened her voice, it is like melted water.

夜晚的山庄静逸的出其,偶尔听到几声犬吠,更多的是山泉叮咚。It's extremely quiet at night , only occasional ban be heard, but more beautiful voice of ding-dong from the spring.

圣诞钟声叮咚敲响,唱诗班歌声回荡,我们知道这是圣诞已经来临,让世界充满爱!Hearing the bells go ding-dong. Hearing the choirs sing songs. Letting us know it's Christmas time for the world to spread love.