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我的心七上八下。My heart seven up eight down.

我没办法,因为我的心现在七上八下的。No, I can't, for I'm greatly upset now.

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我的心七上八下的,不知做什么好。I'm ta sixes and sevens about what to do.

我心中七上八下,拿不定主意该怎么办。I am at sixes and sevens about what to do.

我心里七上八下,坐也不安稳。I had got so uneasy I could not set still.

当我一想到离开,内心就七上八下的。When Ithink about leaving, I get butterflies in my stomach.

这条消息弄得他心里七上八下,怎么也不得安宁。The news disturbed him so that he cound't get any peace of mind.

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在减省开支的问题上,主席的内心七上八下,拿不定主意。The chairman was at sixes and sevens over the issue of cutting cost.

两个司令离开后,都不十分满意,心头仍然七上八下的。The two caporegimes left not quite satisfied, still a little uneasy.

当我第一次吃重庆火锅的时候,我觉得心里七上八下的。When I ate Chongqing hot-pot for the first time, I really felt perturbed.

当我第一次去见我的老师时,我心里紧张得七上八下。When I met my teacher for the first time I had butterflies in my stomach.

他这几天心里七上八下,老是宁静不下来。His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.

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或许,我在自己的脑海里迷了路,被我自己的思路和浮想搅得七上八下。Or I'd get lost in my head and get distracted by my own thoughts and daydreams.

我根本不想告诉他我饱得很——憋着一肚子的惴惴不安七上八下。I didn't feel like mentioning that my stomach was already full — of butterflies.

我坐在那里心里七上八下的,因为我待会得起来发表讲话。I had butterflies in my stomach, because I know I'd have to stand up and make a speech.

我心里七上八下,因为我唯一会做的只有上网。I've got butterflies in my stomach because the only thing I've ever surfed is websites.

上台简报前我很紧张。整个下午我都七上八下。I was so nervous before the presentation. I had butterflies in my stomach all afternoon.

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虽然我做错了事,心中七上八下的,我却学会了忘记自己是个孤独的、有罪过的黑人兄弟。Despite my guilt and uncertainty I learned to forget that I was a lone guilty black Brother.

她就在这种七上八下的心情中驾车驶进了布希公园,看见维克多·亨利站在车站上。In this state of turmoil she drove into Bushing Park and saw Victor Henry standing at the bus stop.

但是我的心里将会七上八下,因为我怕会碰到不三不四的人。But my heart will be seven up eight down, because I am afraid to meet those no three no four people.