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所以这会是一个皆大欢喜的好消息。It would be good news all round.

同时,坦克,但用砂纸皆大欢喜。The same tank but sanded nicely.

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发布商和广告主都会皆大欢喜。Publishers and advertisers will both be happy.

阿联和雄鹿签约,是一个皆大欢喜结局。Yi's signing is a happy ending for all parties.

在黑暗时代,故事总没有皆大欢喜的结局。They weren't big on happy endings in the Dark Ages.

这点我不能透露,不过,投资的回报让大家皆大欢喜。I can't disclose that, but can say we're happy with the return.

希望他远嫁后能找到好状态,我认为这是一个皆大欢喜的离别。I hope he finds the right situation. I think it was a good move for us.

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我们仍然答应会出现,因为这样做皆大欢喜。Still, we promise we'll make an appearance. The appearance is an appeaser.

我觉得,意大利车手开意大利赛车,这对所有意大利车迷来讲都皆大欢喜。I think an Italian rider on an Italian bike will be great for all Italian fans.

本赛季,他们都只是回来给了历史和皆大欢喜的结局一个机会。This season they all just came back to give history and a happy ending a chance.

为了西方的利益,停止对技术劳工的歧视是个皆大欢喜的巧合。It is a happy coincidence that an end to discrimination is in the West's interest.

你应该来看看!这场混战最后的利害关系是皆大欢喜还是不解之缘?Is this conflict brought to a happy ending or a confusing state? It is a must-watch play.

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如果他做到这一点,惠普长达10年的公司治理困境或许会最终迎来一个皆大欢喜的结局。If he is, HP's decade-long corporate governance troubles may have a happy ending after all.

所以这还算是个皆大欢喜的结局,虽然我的寿命可能因为这次事件被缩短了几年。So we were happy in the end, though the experience probably took several years off my life.

一段时间后,再将一个健康的银行转手给私营公司,从此皆大欢喜。Then, sometime later, a healthy bank is sold back into private hands, and we all live happily ever after.

他灵机一动决定炸掉他们的军火库这样谁都用不了才能皆大欢喜。He has a brainwave decided to blow up their arsenals in this way can everyone in alls well that ends well.

你也许会认为你的老板打死都不会同意,不过有证据表明这是对雇主、雇员和整个环境皆大欢喜的妙招。You may think your bosses would never agree to it, but the evidence suggests that employers, employees and the environment all benefit.

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那天大林慈院在办理浴佛的时候,有一大群的子孙,还有好朋友、邻居,都来陪阿嬷到大林浴佛,皆大欢喜。That day, her children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors all accompanied her to the Buddha's birthday celebration Everyone was joyful.

重点是双方都要考虑,并且要找到一个双赢的解决之道,又或者是作出让步,这样才能皆大欢喜。The point is that both sides should be considered, and you should look for a win-win solution or compromise so that you can both be happy.

该类小说着重描写女性角色尤其是女主人公试图逃离封闭空间所做的努力,最后多以皆大欢喜的完满结局落幕。They put emphasis on the female characters' attempt to escape from a confining interior, and end with the evils punished and the good rewarded.