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我不希望被别人分神。I do not wish to be distracted by another.

可是他一直分神而忘了数的数字。But he kept getting distracted and losing count.

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别让我分神,我要专心学习。Don't distract me. I'm trying to concentrate on my studying.

她不希望他分神去别处猎艳。She didn’t want him to stray, to find his adventure elsewhere.

一旦你消除掉了这些分神之事,忘掉你的双手。Once you have eliminated these distractions, forget about your hands.

开放式办公室造成工作效率下降的原因不只是分神。It is not just the distractions of open-plan offices that lower productivity.

不要受干扰,注意那些会让你分神的事物。Don't let yourself procrastinate and beware of things that would sidetrack you.

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香车配美女,但是不要因为她们分神。Hot cars and pretty girls may go well together, but don't be distracted by them.

紧张、生气、分神或者悲伤的表现都可能被误读为是在“耍诡计”。"Shiftiness" could also be the result of being nervous, angry, distracted or sad.

你能停一停吗?我有很多作业,你让我很分神。Can you please knock it off! I have lots of homework to do, but you're distracting me.

梅斯顿和布斯用大量令人惊叹的细节讲述了这一发现,以至我为之分神。Meston and Buss garnish this revelation with so much amazing detail that I am distracted.

当你在一个地方工作了较长时间,你开始变得焦躁,分神。When you’ve been working too long in the same place, you start to get stir crazy and lose focus.

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不过,还有一些用户说,他们打字时,看到弹出的其他查询时,就很容易分神。Still, some users said they found it distracting to see other queries pop up as they were typing.

当我明了这一点,我就不会把自己和别人去比较,同样,也能够拒斥让人分神的那种噪音。Knowing this stops me from comparing myself with others and makes it easier to reject the distraction.

我想,这是因为长久以来,他一向信赖全球网络社区,并且充满了信心,不会让这点琐事分神。I suppose after putting your faith and trust into the worldwide web community for so long, you learn to let go.

他们不应该允许在沙滩上不穿衣服晒日光浴的行为,这让我那只想好好放松的丈夫感到分神。They should not allow topless sunbathing on the beach. It was very distracting for my husband who just wanted to relax.

贯穿正式结构之间的规则并未让观众有逼迫之感,也不容观众从叙述中分神。Yet the rules behind the formal structure are never forced on the viewer, much less allowed to detract from the narrative.

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但是我却发现它相当难,工作记忆试验需要高度集中注意力,而我因紧张而分神了。But I found it quite difficult. Working-memory tests require intense concentration, and I was distracted because I was nervous.

患有ADHD的孩子容易变得焦躁不安、冲动和容易分神,在家和在学校闯祸。Children with ADHD tend to be restless, impulsive and easily distracted, often leading to serious problems at home and at school.

LJ的手机振动了,Kellerman和Hale注意到这个声音,但在停车场入口的一个家伙按响了车喇叭,使他们分神。LJ’s phone vibrates. Kellerman and Hale key in on the sound, but a man at the entrance of the lot honks his horn, distracting them.