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货物堆积如山。Merchandise is piled up mountain-high.

他们用车子把堆积如山的垃圾运走了。They carted away the mountains of rubbish.

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码头上易腐烂的货物堆积如山。Perishable goods are piling up at the docks.

或许你每天必须面对堆积如山的工作。Maybe you have to face a mountain of work every day.

不要被你面前堆积如山的工作震慑住!Don’t be daunted by the amount of work you’re facing!

许多古代文明都留下了堆积如山的垃圾。Many ancient civilisations piled up mountains of garbage.

这样的人生即便财富堆积如山也不过是过眼云烟。Even if such life the wealth piles up is also the eye mist.

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卷纸在地板上堆积如山,好像一条巨长的意大利粉条。The paper spools pile up on the floor like giant tagliatelle.

想想你所欠的债就像你家后院堆积如山的垃圾。Think of your debt as a small hill of dirt in your back yard.

在津巴布韦南部城镇Beitbridge的大街上我们可以看到垃圾堆积如山。Rubbish litters the streets of the southern town of Beitbridge.

非常重的物体或者像煤、水泥、矿石等堆积如山的原材料用吨计重。Very heavy objects or bulky materials like coal, cement, mineral ore.

工地上建筑材料堆积如山。Building materials are piled up mountain-high on the construction site.

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但多年来,通用汽车公司已深陷堆积如山债务之中,难以为继。But for years, GM has been buried under an unsustainable mountain of debt.

女孩开始去洗碗池洗那些堆积如山的碗筷。The girl went to the sink, and began to wash the dishes that were piled up there.

因理货员罢工,码头上易腐烂的货物堆积如山。Perishable goods are piling up at the docks because of the strike of tally clerks.

如果我们见了好东西就拿,不去刨根问底,我们的东西就会堆积如山。If we will take the good we find, asking no questions, we shall have heaping measures.

如果你有孩子,那么你只能成天徘徊于堆积如山的玩具和学校的事情中。If you have kids, then you can’t help but have some clutter with toys and school work.

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待审的案子堆积如山,但这次审判却给这里的人们带来了一线曙光。Millions more await justice, but this trial has given a glimmer of hope for the future.

减少,回收,再利用的政策虽然有效果,但是垃圾场的垃圾还是堆积如山。Reduce Reuse Recycle is all very well, but still the garbage is piling up in landfills.

在堆积如山的证据面前,这种否认模式已经成为了债务危机的一大特点不断重复上演。A pattern of denial in the face of mounting evidence has been a recurring feature of the debt crisis.