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他想在侦察小说范畴另辟门路。He wants to cyber detective novels field.

我们要广开就业门路。We have opened up more avenues of employment.

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他和王朔都认识出版必要的熟人门路。He and Wang Shuo had all the necessary contacts.

各地领导部门要努力开拓就业门路。Local authorities should work hard to create jobs.

中国将僵持走和平发展门路。China is committed to the path of peaceful development.

于是他就开动脑子想其它门路。Then he thinks other way with respect to actuate brain.

只要我们肯做,创造就业机会的门路有很多。There are dozens of things we could do that would create jobs.

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有门路的都带着亲戚去了其他地方的医院。Those who can are taking their relatives to hospitals in other places.

制止门路,桥梁,或者有可能已经被地动损坏的斜道。Bvoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.

所谓乐观主义者,就是相信苍蝇正在寻求飞出去的门路的人。An optimist is a fellow who believes a housefly is looking for a way to get out.

我认为,对擅长缝纫的人来说这是在家做生意的最好门路。I thought this was the most clever idea for a home business for someone who sews.

试想像一下,我们整个人沐浴在恩典满溢的湖中,这是多么宝贵的门路!We stand in it. Imagine a lake of grace, and we're in over our heads. What access!

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我听说你有门路买到比较贫穷国家的护照,像是贝里斯跟东加。I've heard you can buy passports from less affluent countries like Belize and Tonga.

广开就业门路,积极发展劳动密集型产业。We should open up more avenues for employment and develop labor-intensive industries.

而且,共和党在许多重要的州都有自己的门路。The Republicans also grabbed the keys to the governors' mansions in a slew of key states.

如果伦敦帝国学院的研究人员有门路的话,这种场景可能某天就会上演。That scene could someday happen, if researchers at Imperial College London have their way.

要为农村劳动力开辟更多的生产门路和就业门路。Efforts should be made to create more production and employment channels for rural laborers.

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他的父亲找了无数的门路,帮他在一个已经臃肿不堪的政府机构找到了一个职位。His father pulled endless wires and got him a position in an inflated government department.

但是,如果你没有门路的话,是不可能行的。However, it is impossible for you to make it if you have no connections with the government.

像一个门路拉筋角度的版本,这个粉饰办法也戴在了军靴。Like an angled version of Ladder Lacing , this decorative method is also worn on military boots.