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是的,好好睡一觉就会解乏。Sure. A good sleep will refresh you.

我想您一定是睡了一个解乏的好觉。I think that you have had a refreshing sleep.

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他得好好睡一觉,才能解乏。He needs a good long sleep to get over his fatigue.

您看上去精神很好!我想您一定是睡了一个解乏的好觉。How fresh you are looking! I think that you have had a refreshing sleep.

今天是我的斋戒日,给我一点热的食品即可,一杯咖啡就能提神解乏。Today is my Banyan Day. I want something hot. Some coffee would really hit the bull's eye.

一路上,他都把结婚照挂在脖子上,看一眼就能提神解乏。One other way he deals with weariness is to peek at his wedding photo that hangs around his neck.

饮用“其格”可使人精神倍爽,具有强身健体、解乏补气之功效。" Drinking "its" can make the person spirit with physical fitness, times and solution to lack the effect of qi.

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在一个迫切渴望读书的人和一个想读本书来解乏的人之间有极大的不同。There is a great deal of differences between the eager man who wants to read a book and the tired man who wants a book to read.

此外,人们常说喝茶能解乏,除了茶叶中的兴奋成分外,茶碱能「中和」体内的酸性物质,也有缓解疲乏的作用。Besides, tea will also help. The theophylline contained in tea will neutralize the acidity in our body and help us to recover from fatigue.

没有人知道到底为什么猫和狗吃草,但是据信一些猫和狗在想呕吐的时候会去吃草,还有一些可能是因为为了解乏,或者是仅仅是喜欢而已,吃草没有害处,不需要恐吓它们。Nobody knows for sure, but it's believed that some dogs and cats chew grass when they feel nauseous. Others may do it out of boredom or they may just like it.