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她是个恋家的人,我也是。She's a family person, so am I.

在枫园,我的恋家是尽人皆知的。I was quite a proverb for it at Maple Grove.

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我是一个恋家的男人,恋家不需要理由。I was a family man, love does not need the reason.

我恋家,因为家是最好的避风港。I long for family, because family is the best haven.

他真是恋家,一周总要回去一趟。He really loves his family, and returns home once a week.

通常而言,夏天的狼群是“恋家”的,同时照顾小狼。In the summer, the wolves are homebodies, taking care of new pups.

有谁会想到,我的金银花,她那样恋家。Who would have thought that my honeysuckle , and she did love home.

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随着太阳移至天秤,家庭,以及你的恋家精神将会变成重中之重。Home and domestic roots become the focus as the Sun moves into Libra.

“恋家”是带领瑞丽从优秀到卓越的力量源泉。"Love" is a good lead from Ruili to the excellent source of strength.

他结过两次婚。毕加索不太恋家,和朋友的关系也不密切。He was married twice, and he was not very close to his family and friends.

同性恋家长不如异性恋家长的论断是没有根据的。There is no proof whatsoever that homosexuals are worse than heterosexuals.

一个敢于承认自己恋家的男人一定会关心、呵护他的家人。A man who can admit that he's homesick must love his home and care about his family.

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巨蟹座的人是个恋家控,他们视朋友家人为珍宝。Cancerians have a deep love for home, and they truly treasure their friends and family.

很难想象他作为一个商人、媒体人士或者恋家的男人。I cannot easily imagine him as a businessman, a media person or a home-loving family man.

我很恋家,和家人的关系也很好,这一点对我来说弥足珍贵。I am very close to my own family and having a good relationship withfamily is important to me.

身在职场,不可恋家,否则那会使我思想混饨。I will think naught of my family when I am in the market place for this will cloud my thoughts.

我是巨蟹座的,天生恋家,希望稳稳当当过日子。As a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life.

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猫是恋家的,虽然很独立,但是通常他们不会无缘无故地走失。Cats are long for home, usually they dont wander away without sake, although they are independent.

以前天天想回家的我,现在,似乎不知不觉,没那么恋家了。I know I'm not that far away from home, but it's the first time to leave them and to live on my own.

处女座和金牛座存在一见钟情,因为二者都是恋家的人,有着相同的学识追求。There will be love at first sight- Both are homebodies and they share the same intellectual pursuits.