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使用你的外围视觉。Use your peripheral vision.

厂区外围增加一个摄像机。Add a vidicon around the factory.

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大牛,你看,这就是木椁的外围。See the outside of the outer coffin?

我的感觉是,陪审团还是在外围。My sense is that the jury is still out.

咸兴市外围的东海岸。On the East coast near the city of Hamhung

北边那座塔紧邻着外围墙。The north tower butts against the outer wall.

对航天员的外围投篮水入他的嘴里。The astronaut shoots the water into his mouth.

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它的外围包裹着浓密的二氧化碳云。It is swaddled in dense clouds of carbon dioxide.

他非常擅于外围投篮得分。He is very good at making points from the outside.

我希望在村庄外围开一家糖果店。I seek to start a candy shop in the outer village.

在一些测试中,外围的圆圈放了盐水。In some trials, the outside circles had salt water.

它的外围被扩展分布的暗物质环所围绕。It is surrounded by an extended halo of dark matter.

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珍珠的外围是较厚的霰石晶层。And the outer layer is composed of aragonite tablets.

外围群落生境是相当小的并呈斑点状。Peripheral biotopes are relatively small, and patchy.

她在阿什兰外围一个小社区的学校里任教。She taught school in a small community outside Ashland.

不断检查酒店及外围地区的地漏。Constantly check drainage in hotel and surrounding areas.

血流量会减少,视力失败外围第一。As blood flow diminishes, vision fails peripherally first.

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星系团外围还有奇异特征。Even odder features lie in the outer parts of the cluster.

包装器也使外围者不能访问这些代码。They also keep outsiders from gaining access to that code.

首都外围布下安全控管。Security restrictions are in place far outside the capital.