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把糖衣挤开。You squeeze the icing on.

那些花生米都给裹上糖衣。The peanuts were sugarcoated.

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结婚蛋糕上盖有白色糖衣。A wedding cake has white icing.

药丸挂了一层糖衣。The pills are coated with sugar.

糖衣掩盖了药片的药味。Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.

糖衣药丸一点也不苦。Sugar-coated pill in not bitter at all.

但这可能是糖衣版本。But that may be the sugarcoated version.

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就像一颗裹着糖衣的毒药。It is like a sugar-coated poison tablet.

各种糖衣片、素片、胶囊等。All kinds of sugar coated tablets, tablets.

樱桃在薄薄的巧克力壳中作成糖衣。Cherries enrobed in a thin chocolate shell.

香蕉裹以糖衣,味道会更美。Coated with sugar, bananas will taste better.

他们不希望得到那些糖衣包裹的或粉饰太平的信息。They don’t want it sugarcoated or whitewashed.

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语法的糖衣会导致分号的癌症。Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semi-colons.

孩子吃掉了药丸外面的糖衣,却把药心吐了出来。The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out.

杏仁转而变成了裹有糖衣的杏仁。These almonds in turn became sugar-coated almonds.

丸药不苦不会加糖衣。If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded.

当我们看见粉红色的糖衣,欢呼声充满了整座房子。Cheers echoed through the house as we saw the pink icing.

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爱似糖衣,我囫囵吞下,享受刹那甜蜜的错觉。Love like sugar, I bolt, enjoy the moment sweet illusion.

最后,我把糖衣涂在蛋糕上,我也算做了一些事。Then, I put the icing on the cake. So I also helped a lot.

蛋糕顶端通常都有甜的装饰配料,称作糖衣。Cakes are often covered with a sweet topping, called icing.