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为什么用“薯莨”?Why do they use "dioscorea rhipogomoides"?

本发明涉及薯莨保健酒的生产技术。The invention relates to a dioscorea cirrhosa health care wine production technology.

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目的优选薯莨的最佳提取工艺条件。OBJECTIVE To optimize the conditions for the extraction process of Dioscorea cirrhosa.

结果表明,薯莨的乙醇提取物有较强的抗氧化性及抑菌作用。The result indicates that ethanolic extract has stronger antioxidative property and bacteriostatic action.

用有机溶剂法从薯莨中提取单宁,并用正交实验法对其最佳工艺条件进行了研究。The process that tannin is extracted from dioscorea cirrhosais studied, the best technological conditions is selected by orthogonal design.

本文描述了薯莨的生物学性状并对与其易混淆的多种植物块茎进行比较分析。In this paper there presented the biological characters of Dioscorea eirrhosa Lour and an identification was made on some confused plant tubers.

目的薯莨是生长于我国中南地区的一种多处生藤本植物,其块茎是一味常中草药。Dioscorea eirrhosa Lour is a perennial and liana plant in the central south China, of which the tuber is one of the traditional Chinese medical herbs.

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该产品富含薯莨的酚类物质,具有辅助降血脂、抗动脉粥样硬化等功能,市场前景广阔。The product is rich of the phenols of the dioscorea cirrhosa, has the hypolipidemic, anti-atherosclerosis and other functions, and has a wide market prospect.

易洗快干,冷水手洗,一般不须任何洗涤剂,冷水轻洗晾干即可,因为是植物薯莨染色会有掉色现象。Quick-drying washable, cold water hand wash, generally do not need any detergent, wash in cold water to dry to light, because the dyeing plant Dioscorea cirrhosa phenomenon will fade.

香云纱在洗涤时会有总体褪色的情况,实属正常,这是因为其在加工、上色的手艺目前为止还是最原始的,用的染料都是纯天然的“薯莨”的汁液。Silk fade in the wash when the overall situation there, it is normal, because of its processing, the color craft is so far the most original, with the dyes are natural, "Dioscorea cirrhosa" juice.